- What did you learn today?
Today, I learned how to better work in groups. - What challenges did you face? How do you plan to overcome them?
A challenge I faced today was figuring out where everyone was on in terms of progress. I didn’t ask much about how others were doing in terms of progress, and plan on overcoming it by getting more involved.
- In what way were you able to help each other?
We were able to help each other by giving each other feedback on each part of the project we’re working on. Consistently keeping tabs on each other also helped things stay together.
Author Archives: Nia
Day 4
- What did you learn today?
Today, I learned about the printing process, creating and sending a print job, and using crop marks in documents to make sure the print is sent properly. I also learned about more of what should be in the app for our group project, after talking to one of the staff.
- What challenges did you face? How do you plan to overcome them?A challenge I faced today was figuring out what role should take in the group project and sticking with it. The project has many moving parts, and can be overwhelming to stick to one part. I plan on overcoming it by being more vocal in the team to let my concerns be known.
- In what way were you able to help each other?
We were able to help each other by deciding what we should do in each part of the group project, specifically a part of the project that each of us are proficient in.
Day 3
- What did you learn today?
Today, I learned about the previous interns’ group project, and our next project, which is group related. Hearing about what the previous interns worked on before us gave me a head start on potential project ideas.
- What challenges did you face? How do you plan to overcome them?
A challenge I faced today was creating a consistent branding theme for the “This is my stop” project by making sure that the items I presented were relevant and not needless work. I plan overcoming it by creating a more consistent approach to how I come up with new ideas, and reviewing them to make sure they relate to the source material.
- In what way were you able to help each other?
We were able to help each other with our group project in multiple ways by dividing the work required to separate individuals and focusing on different aspects of the project to cover more ground.
Day 2
- What did you learn today?
I learned about previous interns’ projects and their presentations, project cycle, contracts, project critique, and the process of meeting with clients. It was really insightful to learn about how the process of dealing with perspective clients works. - What challenges did you face? How do you plan to overcome them?
A challenge I faced today was figuring out what direction I wanted to go with my creative project. The objective allowed us to create whatever we wanted to, which also means its possible to easily get lost. I plan on overcoming them by doing more research and not allowing myself to get overwhelmed with the infinite amount of directions you can take when your project has no restraints. - In what way were you able to help each other?
We were able to help each other by critiquing each other’s projects and giving feedback that would help us improve on our work and come up with even better solutions.
Day 1
- What did you learn today?
Today, I learned proper file naming and organization, and the process of developing a potential projects for a client, and hearing more of Faculty Commons and it’s design team. - What challenges did you face? How do you plan to overcome them?
A challenge I faced today was dealing with the short amount of time I had to get projects done. I plan on overcoming this challenge by figuring out and prioritizing the objectives required. - In what way were you able to help each other?
We were able to help each other by learning what our strengths were, and figuring out what would work with out skills best in terms of working on future projects.