Day4 of Trainee

What did you learn?

Logo should works with the same style for the website.


How is it going to help you?

It helps me to think about the art works look more consistent.


What do you want to learn?

Website layout.


How was it working in group?

We have different point of views for choosing the logo. But, after Lu helps us to turn the logo into black and white, it is easy to pick our favorite elements to combine a new one.


Did you get to know your partner?

We all have a little confuse for our group project at the beginning, luckily, everyone has the clear direction so we work tougher effectively now.

4 thoughts on “Day4 of Trainee

  1. Hi Jiayu,

    As you said, if you’re confused in the beginning, I hope you can asking help! Ever me, Anmol or your teammates, we’re all here to help. Also, next time, I hope when you try to do some design, maybe you can go for a search, it will help you bring out your inspire.

    • Actually when I search more, I will have more mess ideas and don’t gonna choose which one. But, I will keep doing research before the design projects. Thank you.

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