Day 5

What did you learn today?

Today we continued to work on our group projects and received some critique on some of the work we had all created so far.  I learned how important it is not to clutter up certain projects with text and to be more aware of where I am leading someones eye.

What challenges did you face? And how did you plan to overcome them?

At first when creating advertisements for the City Tech app we are proposing I used images of an iphone to emphasize that it was an app.  However after some critique I realized that there is a much better way to emphasize the experience of the app with out being so literal.  Instead I came up with a more personal ad campaign that emphasizes the usage of the ad by using people’s experience through the app.

In what way were you able to help each other?

We really are used to each other now and feel completely comfortable sharing our opinions and reasoning behind a specific piece of this design project.  It is super helpful to have a second set of eyes looking at your work since often times you don’t notice some obvious mistakes or changes you could be making.


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