My Second Week

During my second week, which started on June 17th and ended on June 21st, I was tasked with various assignments as part of a single project. I began the week with a discussion with the head of the design and marketing department regarding a recently approved project that I particularly enjoyed. Following this, we delved into the specifics of a new project, including its parameters and visual aspects.

With a clear understanding of the project, I dedicated around 6-8 hours each day to working on it. Each day, I allocated my time to ensure that I had a draft ready for review and improvement by the end of the day, with some designs already nearing completion. It was a demanding week, and there were moments of stress when the creative ideas did not flow smoothly. By the end of the week, I successfully delivered 5 components of the project for the company’s official magazine.

After making necessary corrections and engaging in productive discussions with my boss to refine the designs, I was pleased to have everything approved immediately. At the end of the week, my boss offered words of encouragement, acknowledging the quality of my work and motivating me to continue excelling.

My First Week

My first week started on Monday, June 10th, and ended on Friday, June 14th. The first few days were not very busy, as there were few projects. During the first two days, I had meetings with the founder, vice president, and the heads of the design and marketing departments. They all made me feel welcome and thanked me for being there to help, despite not having started any work yet. They also showed me how to use communication programs like Microsoft Teams, provided me with my credentials for a professional email, and granted me access to design department folders where I could find everything I needed for my upcoming projects, such as logos and slogans.

The first projects began on Wednesday, and it was surprising because they needed to be completed and perfect by Friday at noon. I worked hard from Wednesday to Friday to finish the projects for the company’s official Instagram. I delivered my work on time, and it was approved immediately. At the end of the week, I was assigned my second project, which was set to start that same afternoon.

In conclusion, my first week was mainly about getting to know everyone, and it was a great experience. I felt welcomed, and my first impression was very positive.

COMD 4900 Internship

In this journal, I aim to provide a comprehensive account of my journey during my first graphic design internship. I will delve into the dynamics of my relationships with my bosses, supervisors, and colleagues, share insights into the projects I have been involved in, reflect on the valuable lessons I have learned, and ultimately draw conclusions about the enriching experiences and challenges encountered throughout this adventure.

My First Internship

I started looking for an illustration internship in April 2024, aiming to begin the internship in the summer of 2024. Despite initial pessimism from my teachers, I persisted in my search. When I couldn’t find the illustration internship I wanted, I shifted my focus to graphic design internships, as graphic design is another area I’m passionate about.

During a final portfolio presentation at my school, I met teacher Stella Nicolau, who encouraged me to keep searching for a summer internship. She suggested I apply to Unity for Equality, a non-profit company in New York. After applying and sharing my portfolio, I was accepted by the founder. Despite the challenges and nearly giving up, I eventually found an internship that I truly liked and was welcomed with open arms.

Illustration (Cars 2 poster replica)

Project Description

Definitely one of my favorite projects so far. The goal is to make a replica as close as possible to a movie poster using Illustrator. In my case, I chose a poster from the movie ‘Cars 2’ that has a design that, in my opinion, is very retro and flashy. It has a wide range of bright colors and small details that remind me of Japanese-style illustrations.


This job, more than complicated, turned out to be time-consuming. This particular work did not have any complexity other than the small details seen as reflections and shadows. But since it is an illustration with many details, it is easy to forget some, or that it does not turn out exactly as I wanted it, as is the case with the mountains and some touches on the car. But the final result leaves me very satisfied with what has been achieved.

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Drawing (Goku)

Project Description

One of my hobbies is drawing, and one of the most important I have is this one. It’s Goku in one of his iconic poses, using only colored pencils. The point was to leave it similar to the one in the manga, giving it my touch, and playing a lot with the different tones given by the shadows and lights.


In this work, one of the biggest challenges was undoubtedly changing and mixing color tones so that it looked as natural as possible. The proportions also played an important role, many times, part of his body did not look balanced, his hands in particular. It was a challenge, as you can see, his left hand is not fully defined. But I must also say that the final result left me very satisfied.

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Introduction to Video Project

Coca-Cola Zero Commercial

Project Description

This video is a commercial for Coca-Cola, the objective is to encourage Gen Z athletes to continue consuming Coca-Cola with this new zero-sugar product.


This project was a total challenge, making a story work in 30 seconds is crazy. The filming was fun but difficult, and don’t forget that creating a commercial takes a lot of time. Honestly, I couldn’t say if I enjoyed this project, but it’s certainly not my thing. I don’t like the final result, I think that 30 seconds is too little for a story like mine. so, what could be done, was done.

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Import of props project

Typography Project (Car Magazine)

Project Description

This typographic project has as its objective the creation of a cover and the first two pages of a magazine of our liking. In my case, I chose ‘Car and Driver magazine’, which is a specialist in everything related to the world of cars. For my magazine, I used an elegant but ‘modern’ approach so to speak, as it went with the personality of the model I used for the cover and pages.


The biggest challenge of this project was the organization of the statements and title on the cover. My main obstacle was trying to position each text, some headlines were more important than others with a larger font size, and it should not cover or overlap the image of the cars. It was a long process, but I think that in the end, I managed to create a balance between the image and the text, where everything is legible and easy to recognize.

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Logo & Advertising development (Fiallos Travel Agency)

Project Description

The objective of this project is the creation of a travel agency company and its logo. The purpose of this is to create a strong brand and identity that can be recognized across multiple products and locations through a marketing campaign. The process for the elaboration of this work begins with the design and name of the company, in this case, it is called Fiallos Travel Agency, followed by its information, mood board, fonts, color palette, digital marketing, print marketing, and marketing physical as products of use.


The biggest challenge I had when carrying out this project was to find the right means for a travel agency company to grow. I concluded that business-related objects and themes would be the most obvious solution, but pushing it would be a challenge. Having a social network or a beautiful logo is only half the job, that is why the marketing campaign where postcards and products with the company logo are sold would make the company more visible to a specific audience, travelers and adventurers. This is how I justify the sale of products for athletes and travelers such as bottles of water.

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Advertising project (Brillo)

Project Description

The purpose of this project is to create an advertising campaign to promote the purchase of Brillo products. My strategy was the creation of a series of posters with funny phrases and a retro style inspired by the brand in the 60s with a similar aesthetic. A total of 6 posters were made with their respective visual example of how it would look in real life.


This project was fun to do. I really like this kind of visual concept. However, I must say that the biggest challenge was knowing where the correct place would be to present each poster. I think the decisions made were correct considering that it is not a popular brand or known for being fun, and that was what they sought to change.

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