Logo & Advertising development (Fiallos Travel Agency)

Project Description

The objective of this project is the creation of a travel agency company and its logo. The purpose of this is to create a strong brand and identity that can be recognized across multiple products and locations through a marketing campaign. The process for the elaboration of this work begins with the design and name of the company, in this case, it is called Fiallos Travel Agency, followed by its information, mood board, fonts, color palette, digital marketing, print marketing, and marketing physical as products of use.


The biggest challenge I had when carrying out this project was to find the right means for a travel agency company to grow. I concluded that business-related objects and themes would be the most obvious solution, but pushing it would be a challenge. Having a social network or a beautiful logo is only half the job, that is why the marketing campaign where postcards and products with the company logo are sold would make the company more visible to a specific audience, travelers and adventurers. This is how I justify the sale of products for athletes and travelers such as bottles of water.

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