My First Project

My first project for the company was one that I really enjoyed. The project consisted of two parts: two illustrations, one dedicated to Flag Day, and another dedicated to Blood Donor Day. Both illustrations were for the company’s official Instagram page. For this project, the only parameters I had to follow were a color palette limited to blue, orange, green, and red, not counting the colors of the logo. Other colors could be added if they justified their use and were similar to the previous ones.

For the project commemorating Flag Day, I created the artwork using Adobe Illustrator. My main objective was to evoke a sense of national pride by incorporating symbolic elements and colors associated with the country’s flag. The design follows a minimalist and simple style and features a limited color palette to maintain a clean and impactful look. The text kept to a minimum, is presented in a powerful white font to uphold the overall understated and dignified aesthetic.

Created by Erick Fiallos

In my second illustration, which was also created in Illustrator, I had the opportunity to unleash my creativity and incorporate meaningful symbols. I started by designing a vibrant linear abstract background using various shades of orange and green to make it visually striking from a distance. Then, I proceeded to craft a poignant message for the occasion. I depicted a drop of blood gradually filling a heart, symbolizing hope, health, and the new opportunities provided by countless donors. By creating the drop and the heart in separate layers, I was able to achieve a dynamic and eye-catching effect with different shades of red. Finally, I positioned the company logo in one corner and added a compelling yet uplifting message.

Created by Erick Fiallos