
In the spring of 2017 I took an Editing and Revising class, and in this class my professor tasked us with an assignment. He took our flash drives and put three documents for us to edit and revise. He labeled the documents A, B and C. Below are the original three documents given by the professor.

Document A

Document B

Document C

After he gave us the documents he wanted us to edit and revise them on Microsoft word using track changes. Below are the three documents edited with track changes.

Document A track changes

Document B track changes

Document C track changes

Once that was done, he wanted us to keep the changes and finalize the documents. Below are the documents that have been revised and finalized.

Document A Finalized

Document B Finalized

Document C Finalized

Once all of that was complete, we turned in the original document, along with the a separate one, with the track changes, and another of the finalized version and turned it all in together. When that was done, the professor then wanted us to then find essays, or documents written by other students, and edit their work using track changes again. and put them all together as though it was a publication. Below are the four student’s essays with the track changes and the final publication.

Ethan Reyna JM Document track changes

Ethan Reyna LH Document track changes

Ethan Reyna NE Document track changes

Ethan Reyna TM Document track changes

Ethan Reyna Final Publication

Overall, I feel as though this was a great experience for me, because I really learned how to analyze documents carefully, and be aware of errors such as grammar and misspelling. I would also be aware of the wording within the document, and I really enjoyed looking over these pieces of works. I use the passion I have for writing and apply it when looking over someone else’s work.