About Me

Writing has always been a part of me since before i even realized it. I guess I can say that first time experiencing my passion was back in high school. It was the very first poem I ever wrote, a love poem. I never knew I had it in me to write such a poem, and everyone I showed it to was amazed by it, but from there I never thought about it again. Even when I wrote essays my teachers were always telling me how good my writing was. It was in college when I really began to realize my passion and found myself writing all the time. I had thought about transferring to Brooklyn College for writing, but then I had found out about Professional and Technical Writing and looked further into it. As I began taking the course I realized that I enjoyed it very much, and since then I used what I learned to enhance the writing that I am doing now.

Since then, I continued writing my poetry and even started creating a blog on Tumblr for it. I even write my own little stories from time to time. There will even be times where I wake up to use the bathroom at 3am in the morning and as soon as I lay down an idea would come to my head and I must write it down at that moment. Taking technical writing I feel that I have learned to enhance my writing and developed an even stronger passion for my writing. Below you will find the link to my Tumblr page with all the poems that I have posted thus far.
