Introducing the Problem

Planet Earth is the home to many living beings and is slowly weakening over the years. There are many reasons that resulted in this situation, and one of the many is the conduct of humans. For our convenience and wants, huge amounts of energy is required. To produce the required energy, billion of tons of fossil fuels are consumed yearly. Besides the burning of fossil fuels, improper garbage and wastewater disposal is also a source of environmental pollution.

What is environmental pollution? 

Environmental pollution is the contamination of the environment due to poisonous and harmful contaminants. It’s categorized in many forms which include air pollution, water pollution, land pollution and many other types of pollution. Environmental pollution is a major problem that exists within the human society today and there needs to be a change!

Fig 1: Poisonous and harmful contaminants contaminating the atmosphere.
Source: Exposure to air pollution linked to higher risk of dementia •

What is causing environmental pollution?

Environmental pollution is caused by using energy that causes harm to the environment. The energy that is being used is a non-renewable source of energy and is referred to as fossil fuels. The reason fossil fuels are unclean energy is due to the fact that it emits carbon compounds (carbon monoxide and other greenhouse gases) which is a major cause to pollution in our environments. Fossil fuel usages has spiked since the dawn of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution is a mark in time where the development of factories, machinery and new technology has started which resulted in a massive growth for some countries’ economies but a detrimental impact on their environment. Ever since, day by day the growth in the economy is getting richer but the health of the environment is getting worse.