Night of the Living Dead Soundcape_eringrabe

I thoroughly enjoyed watching this film over again. I forgot that I had been annoyed by many of the sound choices made in this production and only realized it while watching it for sound analysis. I chose the scene just after Ben shoots Mrs. Cooper in the head in the basement. The scene is rather ominous and much of the action is only to depict mood. The transition cut from the basement into the daylight is rather abrupt and marked by birds chirping — A welcome addition to my ears after the gnarly moanings of zombies and the incessant clatter of wood that dominates the preceding minutes. See link below.



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One Response to Night of the Living Dead Soundcape_eringrabe

  1. stanlowe007 says:

    Stan Lowe March 19th 2012 for “Sounds of Mutimedia” Prof. Damien Baker
    The Chase Scene from “Night of the Living Dead”
    Time Description
    00:00:00 woman running to get to car@ cemetery.
    presses latch closed..
    00:12-00:19 Woman fights with Zombie/male….
    presses hands against window…. woman fights back
    00:25-00:32 Zombie/male runs around back of car. to get in on passenger side.
    00:32-00:38 Production music is playing in background.
    Zombie pauses to find rock & smashes car window……
    00:38- Car window is shattered… woman sreams……
    00:51 Woman releases brake, car rolls backwards,….Zombie/male tries tries to grab woman…..
    00:01:27 woman gets out starts to run ahead of car, Zombie runs
    after her….
    00:01:49 woman running on road,…..production music get louder in BG
    drowns out woman’s footsteps as she is running on pavement..
    00:02:21 woman sees house in distance. runs to house. slips & falls in field,.
    gets up; & runs to house, bangs on front door, no answer: then
    runs to
    the back of the house…. Woman reaches open door/……
    00:02:39 woman goes inside….slams door shut

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