
As many of you know, I had some trouble collecting the video that I really wanted to use for my final project in this class. However, in a brief search of a couple oddball keywords on YouTube, I came across this great short animation called A Lovecraft Dream, which I believe is based on an H.P. Lovecraft story or maybe a dream he actually had.

It is a black and white short and I have the added benefit (or perhaps handicap) of having never listened to the original sound. I chose to do it that way so as to not influence my decisions on the overall tone of the clip. I chose an approximately 2 minute chunk of the nearly 6 minute piece that begins after the title and credits and ends after the first segment of the dream. The clip goes on to deeper layers of the dream/nightmare and I can’t wait to finally see the whole thing with its intended sound (after I’ve finished my project, of course)!

I did this soundscape, Grabe_HPL_Dream_Soundscape, for my piece after having done the rough draft with sound. In doing so, though, I found a number of places where I need to add detail or play with levels to tie the sound together more tightly. In the next week I will have a final draft that I hope will be highly polished.



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