Final Project: Part 1

Final Project: Part 1

For the final project we will be continuing to work on platform construction, construction drawings, cut lists, lumber orders, and work plans. This project has several phases, the first of which is to make construction drawings, cut lists, and a lumber order for the show deck detailed on plate F1.

Checklist for your reference:

Turn in the following on November 30th

  • Your copy of CL-2 with any notes you have made on it
  • Construction drawings for the deck, on one or more 18”x 24” (ARCH C) plates
    • Include drawings of the legs or stud walls
    • Construction drawings of the layout of your paint surface
    • Construction drawings of your step unit.
  • A cut list sheet for each platform, leg, group of identical platforms, or step unit
    • A .pdf of the Cut Sheet and plate f1 are available here.
    • Each platform, step unit, paint surface, or stud wall should have its own cut list sheet
    • If you have multiple items that are identical, you can make a single cut list sheet for them as a group
  • A typed lumber order for all of the materials necessary to complete the project.
    • Show your work.
    • Be sure to include materials for the finished paint surface on top of the platforms
    • Do not include tools, but do include fasteners – how do you plan on joining the platforms together?


Grading Criteria

You will be graded on the completeness and accuracy of your work.  These documents would be shown to other carpenters in the shop working on this project, so they must be legible.  Neatness counts.