
ENT 1190 Introduction to Video Technology, Online / Hybrid

Friday 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM, Fall 2021

Instructor: Steve Olswang


ENT 1100 and (ENT 1103)

Course Description

An introduction to the basic components and practices of preproduction and production methodologies for content creation in commercial video and film production. Through lectures, reading assignments, screenings and practice, students will learn the basics of all stages of production and working together, creating effective production aesthetics in pre-production, production and post-production, script-writing and story-boarding, cinematography aesthetics (lighting and camera), and design and graphics functions in editing.

Our Class will be conducted online on Zoom , unless otherwise changed during the semester. (It is possible we might have some small group in person meetings to go over certain aspects of video production, but these will be more like a workshop and not an actual class session.) We will meet once a week together on Friday at 10 AM every week, for what is called a “synchronous” meeting. This is where we all talk together online about some specific aspects of that week’s class work.

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Students will complete this course with a set of assignments for their professional portfolio. These assignments will demonstrate proficiency in pre-production, production, and post-production of content for film and video. The assignments include related storyboards and shooting scripts, as well as the actual videos. Specific objectives include:

  • Understanding the basic components of the pre‐production and production process.
  • Understanding how to edit and finish a video project.
  • Create and coordinate an effective production team with appropriate responsibilities for each member of the team.
  • Use appropriate terminology when discussing visual literacy and the moving image.
  • Critically evaluate productions made by others.
  • Gain experience by working in the various roles in the production process, including producer, director, cinematographer and editor.
  • Understand how to work online successfully

Technical Requirements

All of the course work will be assigned and completed through Blackboard. If you are not familiar with Blackboard, you should sign up for online instructional sessions at . You can also email them at .

You will need to be able to log on with a functioning computer and internet connection. If you do not have access to either of these, please email the department at, and also let me know, for a possible loaner computer and/or help in providing you with an account for online access. If you need general computer help, you can email .

Other apps besides Blackboard that you will need to be familiar with or learn about during the semester to do the course work include Dropbox, Microsoft Word, Google Drive, and Adobe Premiere.

You will need to log on every Friday and join the online session preferably with your camera and microphone turned on. If you do not have a camera and/or mic on your computer, please contact me for instructions how you can use your phone in conjunction with a computer to connect to a Zoom meeting. Also, the ENT department can loan you a webcam for the semester if necessary.

Academic Requirements

Working in film and video is usually a collaborative effort. While the current pandemic makes it difficult to do that in person, the class is set up so that we will all have the opportunity to productively experience collaborating together online.

To complete the class successfully, you will need to:

  • Complete your own video assignments at home and submit them online to a class folder.
  • Learn how to plan out a video shoot and be able to communicate to other people what you want to do.
  • Work together remotely with selected classmates on producing and finishing various video projects that I assign.
  • Learn how to shoot videos with your phone or another of type of camera.
  • Learn how to edit videos on your own computer.
  • Do weekly readings on your own time from both the text and other sources I will distribute and be prepared to participate in online discussions of them every Friday.
  • Watch weekly assigned videos on your own time and also a few videos during our Friday online session. I will provide the links for these videos on Blackboard.
  • Participate in weekly discussion boards on Blackboard, which will also include topics from the readings and screenings.
  • Hand in through Blackboard written assignments during the semester.
  • Take quizzes and exams online through Blackboard during our Friday class session.

Projects / Assignments 50%
Quizzes 10%
Online Discussion 10%
Midterm Exam 15%
Final Exam 15%

Late Submission Policy
Delays of up to a week will result in 10 point reductions on any assignment. No submissions will be accepted more than a week after the due date.

Lateness/Attendance Policy

  • Not participating in the class, both during our online sessions and doing the work offline will impact your grade. As a team-based production course, we are dependent on everyone’s presence and full participation.
  • Attendance is based upon you logging onto our online sessions and turning on your camera and microphone.
  • For any planned absences or late arrivals/early departures from the online session, let me know with advanced notice.
  • The classes will be recorded and available for viewing on Blackboard if you cannot attend an online session.
  • If you miss a quiz or exam and you do not provide me with a legitimate reason, you will receive zero credit and will not be allowed to do a makeup assignment..

Academic Integrity

The faculty and administration of New York City College of Technology support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the City Tech procedure for implementing that policy can be found in this document: If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member MUST report the violation.

Course Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

In order to receive disability-­‐related academic accommodations students must first be registered with the Center for Student Accessibility. Students who have a documented disability or suspect they may have a disability are invited to contact the Center or 781-260-5143. If you have already registered with the Center, please email me the course accommodation form and I will be happy to discuss any specific accommodations you might need.


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