This week we are going to talk about forms you create and use as a stage manager. You are going to learn and make production analyses for your assigned show. Watch the video. Read your script. Create the forms assigned to you this week. Examples of all the forms are on the forms tab. The forms are under the title week two forms.
Forms lecture
The first video discusses all the forms you need to create for your assigned production. Templates and sample forms are posted on the forms tab. Please fill in the documents. Creating the header is only a small portion of your grade. Please fill in each form.
Beat Analysis demonstration
The second video is a demonstration of how to do a beat analysis. All actors create a beat analysis of the entire play for their character. You will be assigned one character and one scene to complete for this form.
You also have an assigned quiz and reflection on Brightspace inside the quiz tab. Turn in the forms you created inside the assignment tab. Please turn in as word, excel or pdf.
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