
EIS-FOH Audio Engineer/ System Designer


Who doesn’t love music? With the many genres of music in today’s industry, it is difficult to create music that is out of the ordinary.  Well, with the help of the faculty at New York City College of Technology, a new and unique type of music has risen. Instead of using the ordinary instruments that you may hear in music nowadays, A new way of improvisation has been formed. With the use of real-time interactive computer systems, a whole new dimension of music creation has been unleashed. This type of music is also known as Electroacoustic improvisation. This computer-based improvisation is unique, and the City Tech Faculty wanted to showcase it to the world. This showcase is called “Electroacoustic Improvisation Summit.” An audio system designer with a vast amount of technology and equipment is needed. System designing is no easy task. In cooperation with the students from the Audio/Projections Tech Production crew, I will design and install all audio components of the summit showcase. I will also create a front-of-house mix for audience members during the showcase. 

Skills Include:

  1. Time Management
  2. Troubleshooting
  3. Teamwork


As an Audio system designer, my duties include accessing the current system, and sketching and adding audio components as needed. I will also collaborate with the show director to ensure that tech needs are met for performers. I am also responsible for assisting with the installation of any new components to the audio system. Once all new components are added to the current systems, it’s my duty as the FOH audio engineer to conduct line checks before show time. Once the show begins, I will maintain audio levels on the mixer board and add sound effects if needed.


My predicted outcome is to have a better understanding of audio and expand my skill set in Sound Mixing and Sound Systems


-Signed Proposal

-Approval of Updated Block Diagram/ Stage Plot

– New Components Material Lists 

– Work Breakdown Structure


  • Teamwork
  • Scheduling
  • Dante Networking
  • Shure Wireless Workbench

Work Breakdown Structure

  1. Planning/Outline

1.1- Production Meeting With Technical Advisor

– Plan Discussion

1.2- Evaluate system

– Sketch Block Diagram

1.3- Production meeting with the Director of EIS

– Determine Equipment Needs

1.3- Sketch New Equipment Needs

-Create a New Block Diagram

-Create Material Lists

1.4- Production meeting with Technical Advisor

– Discuss Added Components Compatibility

– Confirmation of New Block Diagrams

2. Pre-Production

2.1- Prep New Equipment

– Pull and Test New Equipment With Help from the Tech Production Crew

2.2- Line Check

– Test Entire System

3. Production

3.1- Tech Rehearsal

-Tech Rehearsals with Performers

3.2- Show Time!

– Live Mix

4. Post Production

4.1- Strike All Added Components

4.2- Post-Production Meeting with Technical Advisor