What can I turn into a PSA in modern times? With the internet continuing to develop, Cyberbullying tends to get more aggressive. There are websites that allow people to create worm links that can easily leak someone’s address. Websites like Google have protection and limits, yet how far does it extend? How easy is it to ruin someone’s life through the internet?
Topic Ideas:
How can AI be a harmful tool on social media?
How easy is it to obtain someone’s information with a search engine?
What limits do corporations like Google place on websites to protect people’s privacy?
How does leaking private information affect someone’s life?
Photos tend to leave many people wondering what’s the meaning behind it. Sometimes the photographer tends to leave no context while others do. These photos I have taken would be a mix of both. A quote from John Berger’s Understanding A Photograph John Berger “I have decided that seeing this is worth recording.” (19) helps somewhat guide me on how I plan to frame my photos. My attention is to have the viewer see my photos with no context at first. Each of the photos here is each of my hobbies and I tend to want the viewer to have a grasp of what kind of person I am with each photo. I’ll explain the context of each photo to show why it’s significant to me and why I chose to take the photo in a certain way, hoping to have the viewer have their perspective of me based on this. I would use Teju Cole’s The Rules of Thirds (3) from “Perfect-and-Unrehearsed” to help guide me as I’m not much of a photographer while trying to implement some photograph terms into my photos.
The photo, “Music for the Stressed” shows every music-related item I own. The vinyl player was a gift from my cousins an Iron Maiden vinyl of their album “The Number of The Beast”. The Bass guitar is a Jackson JS Series spectrum with a mix combination of a jazz and precision style bass and a heavy walnut dark brown body. I wanted to give a narrative on my music taste, style, and personality from this one photo. I have recently picked up this instrument due to being overwhelmed with my personal life and education. Ever since that day, I have been practicing with it. Sometimes I spend around 30 minutes to 5 hours just playing it. The small Fender amp is something I bought around 3 months ago from Facebook marketplace. Honestly, it’s an amazing amp for anyone who’s just starting to play any electric instrument even though it’s designed for electric guitars. Music is truly one of the biggest impacts on my life, mostly due to my parents’ influence over it. They have been taking me to concerts ever since I was around 5. I have been taken to go see Guns N Roses, Def Leppard, Amon Amarth, Iron Maiden, and more. They also influenced my taste in music as I mostly listened to most rock genres.
The photo “Damage, Repair, and Explore” shows the electric screwdriver I bought as a way to treat myself and a slow way to upgrade my tool selection. The soldering iron shown here is disconnected but it’s to give an understanding of what kind of repairs I work with. The black mat and magnetic tray with the open handheld device at the center of the photo give a sense of balance in a way. I was always curious about computers and anything tech-related. My dad is an electrician and always taught me a couple of things whenever he had the chance. He even took me to some of his safer jobs to give me more hands-on teaching. In a way, he inspired me to learn and take on technical hardware. With each mistake I made, I would take the time to understand and learn what I did wrong. I even had one of the devices I worked with nearly short-circuit due to the solder touching two points on the motherboard. It’s also the reason for my choice of major and the reason why I’m still studying.
The photo “controller of all kinds” shows each controller and handheld device i own. The red Xbox controller, NES-style arcade controller, light blue moded PS Vita, and Steam Deck give the impression that video games play a big part in my life. I did plan to frame the photo to have each represent the colors of their console but didn’t have much to work with. It was always my form of entertainment and just how certain games can bring some kind of challenge and fun into the mix is what helped keep my intention in it. I remember playing games like Mortal Kombat, King of Fighters, and Halo with my relatives. I would say they even affected what kind of games I’m into and gave more into the competitive side of things. This also helped my ways of learning. Making it more competitive so I can learn and improve. There’s no way to get better in a game without practice. That can be said about anything.
These photos illustrate my interests and hobbies. For me, it means a lot and I explained why but for someone who hasn’t gotten to know me, I wanted to let them form their own opinion about me. In a way, it’s a quantum of truth as these photos can say so much but without any context, the viewer is left wondering about the meaning behind it. Berger’s explanation of the quantum of truth “The nature of this quantum of truth, and how it can be discerned, vary greatly. It may be found in an expression, an action, a juxtaposition, a visual ambiguity, or a configuration. Nor can this truth ever be independent of the spectator.”(20) Leaving someone to wonder about someone’s personality based on their photos is what I want out of this. May my photos be used to learn and understand what a photographer is and maybe get to know me a bit more.
Berger, J. (2013). Understanding a Photograph. In J. Dyer (Ed.), Understanding a Photograph: John Berger. (pp. 17-22). Penguin. https://archive.org/details/understanding-aphotograph-john-berger/page/n3/mode/2up
Teju, C. (2015). Perfect and Unrehersed. The New York Times Magazine. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/15/magazine/perfect-and-unrehearsed.html?rref=collection%2Fcolumn%2Fon-photography&action=click&contentCollection=magazine®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=4&pgtype=collection&_r=0
This photo I taken shows all the controllers I own and a ps vita. I would say it had a impact on my life. It was always my form of entertainment. Just how certain games can bring some kind of challenge and fun into the mix. I remember playing games like mortal kombat, King of Fighters, Halo with my relatives.
This photo shows a Jackson bass guitar, a fender amp, and a vinyl record of iron maiden. Music is truly one of my biggest impact on my life. I have been going to concerts since I was maybe around 5. The bass is something I recently own due to finding a way to help distress and it truly helped.
This photo i taken shows the electric screw driver i work with, A soldering iron, and mat i use to put the device I’m working with on. I was always curious on how computers and anything tech related. My dad is an electrician and always encourage me to explore it.
My favorite photo in Teju Coles’ essay “Perfect and Unrehearsed” was “A young Haitian man grieving at the funeral of his mother in Port-au-Prince” by Maggie Steber. The photo is more emotionally touching to me as the way the man is grieving and the way multiple people must hold him down as if the man is trying to reach out to their mother. The use of photograph here is amazing and even Coles recognized it as he praised it. The multiple appearance of the cross around the photo and the people holding the man down wearing bright colors give so much feel to the photo while the man grieving is wearing black. The lighting of the photo helps so much as well with the sun covered by the clouds but bright around the man who’s grieving. In a way, i can be seeing this as the man being pulled into the light. Also, the use of photo essay can be implemented as so much of this photo can tell someone what’s going on. Without the title of the photo, someone will still understand the context behind the photo with how the people are dressed and (again) the use of the cross.
English 1121: Composition 2
Section D533
Room: Namm 704
Fall 2024
Prof. Sean Scanlan
Email: sscanlan@citytech.cuny.edu
Office: Namm511
IN PERSON–Mondays and Wednesdays 2:30 – 3:45
Zoom Office Hours: Tuesdays from 3-5 and by appointment