This photo was taken early in the morning on my way to school. While walking down the street, my face was hit by the sun rays. I decided to lift my face and look up, and there it was. I quickly took out my camera and took the shot. That was the birth of this beautiful image. The first thing you notice in this photo is the sun, that is the dominant impression. This photo was taken on 300 Jay street.
This photo was taken in my neighborhood. I chose the title “serenity” for this photo because, as i was walking down this street that was all i felt. I felt at peace. The street was empty with little to no cars moving, the only cars you can see are the ones parked. In this photo you notice cars, trees, traffic lights, sky, and street lights. The dominant impression in this photo is the street light in front.

This photo was taken in the afternoon when the sun was fully out in the sky. The dominant impression of this photo is the sun, reflecting its rays. However, one interesting thing about this photo that catches my attention is the shape of the clouds. When you look at the clouds closely, you notice the clouds are shaped like a group of people looking unto the sun.