The photo in Teju Coles’ essay ,”Perfect and Unrehearsed” that particularly stands out to me is the “Three boys in Liberia”. This photo was taken by Martin Munkacsi  and sourced from Howard Greenberg Gallery.
        This photo would be classified an art photograph because, it presents the artist’s vision of the scene .The first thing I noticed about this photograph was the silhouette of the three boys .I cannot really tell the time of the day this photograph was taken since it is in black and white . In this photo you see three boys running towards the waves  . You also notice footprints in the sand ,splashes of water, sea-foam and ripples in the sea.
           This photograph gives me a sense of nostalgia .  It brings back  many memories. It transports me to the days of long ago , when I was a child and had no care in the world.This photograph shows that photography could reach eternity through the moment because if the boys were already in the water the photo would have given a different effect .You can tell the decisive moment by the feet placement , and the splash made by the hit of the wave .   That was the moment. This photo was taken artfully , because it strips away all distractions making the viewer focus on the  subject of the photograph which is the three boys .