The article, “Perfect and Unrehearsed,” explored the idea of various mild moments captured on camera. The first thing I noticed when I looked at the picture of Suzhou Creek was the number of gentlemen taking a break from what appeared to be an exhausting job. Fishing all of which you can see right away, including the anchor, the boat, and the sea, not just one, but two boats. You can also see the man’s satisfaction as he sits at the edge of what appears to be a bamboo bench while smoking a cigarette. This photo type depicts a simple scene of fishermen, some of whom are happy and some of whom are exhausted at the end of the day. Some of them may even be excited because, although it may not be evident in the image, it is clear that they were able to support their families with the fish they caught during that period of high or low tide. I’m not at all satisfied with this photo because the black and white filter the photographer added kind of creates a depressing scene. A different impression may have been given  if it had been a color photo, still such a beautiful picture on which you can argue a lot of things.