Category Archives: Uncategorized

HW10 11/12/2019

ex5-7, 5-10, & 5-12

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EX10 11/12/2019

Do ex5-2, 5-3 Then, ex5-5, 5-6

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Day10 11/12/2019

How are you doing today? What is the Othgraphic view? Explain how to draw the views.

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Day09 11/5/2019

How are you today? Today is the first day of the second half of semester. Are you still enthusiastic about AutoCAD? Do you want to keep learning it?

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Day08 10/29/2019 Midterm

Hi Class, We have Midterm today. Do you have any question?  

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Day07 10/22/2019

Do you have any question? How do you like AutoCAD? So far so good?

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ex2-7, 2-10, 2-12,

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10/22 Review 11/05 Midterm

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HW06 10/15/2019

ex2-15 ex2-19

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