EX09 10/04/2019



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Day09 11/04/2019

Hi Class,

How was the midterm? Simple or challenging? Do you have any question?

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Day08 Midterm 10/28/2019

Are you ready for taking Midterm?






When you finish making an animation, upload it to YouTube and post the link to this page.

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Day07 10/21/2019

We will have a Midterm exam next week. Do you have any questions?

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Create a 3D animation of rotating the EX06 tool, exploding it,  and collapsing it.

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EX06 10/16/2019

Assemble all parts and motorize it (forward and backward).


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10/16 Day 06: Making a 3D animation (continuing)

10/21 Day 07: Review

10/28 Day 08: Midterm

11/4  Day 09: The second half of the semester

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Day06 10/16/2019

Hi everyone,

How was the last class? Do you have any questions for the vise assembly?


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Day05 10/7/2019

Hi class,

How are you today? Due to my medical checkup this morning, I cannot come to NY from DC. Today is an online class. When you arrive the classroom, please post your comment here! And start working EX05. If you finish EX05 earlier, you can do HW05. Enjoy. If you have a question, please go to YouTube streaming and contact me via the chat system.

You can go to YouTube directly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9x0ZQDSpVaw



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HW05 10/7/2019

Make a rotation and exploding animations like this animation. Upload the animations to YouTube and post a link to this page.


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