Monthly Archives: October 2019

Day08 Midterm 10/28/2019

Class, Are you ready for taking Midterm?

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Day07 10/21/2019

We will have a Midterm exam next week. Do you have any questions?

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Create a 3D animation of rotating the EX06 tool, exploding it,  and collapsing it.

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EX06 10/16/2019

Assemble all parts and motorize it (forward and backward).

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10/16 Day 06: Making a 3D animation (continuing) 10/21 Day 07: Review 10/28 Day 08: Midterm 11/4  Day 09: The second half of the semester

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Day06 10/16/2019

Hi everyone, How was the last class? Do you have any questions for the vise assembly?  

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Day05 10/7/2019

Hi class, How are you today? Due to my medical checkup this morning, I cannot come to NY from DC. Today is an online class. When you arrive the classroom, please post your comment here! And start working EX05. If … Continue reading

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HW05 10/7/2019

Make a rotation and exploding animations like this animation. Upload the animations to YouTube and post a link to this page.

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Assemble this vise: Download all part files from here Make a new assembly file (name should be EX05_1) and assemble all parts based on the following video:

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