Category Archives: Uncategorized


Assemble this vise: Download all part files from here Make a new assembly file (name should be EX05_1) and assemble all parts based on the following video:        

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HW04 9/23/2019

Make one part of wheel and one part of shaft. You decide the dimension. Import 4 wheels and 2 shafts and assemble them with the toy car body that we made in EX04. Next week we will use the toy … Continue reading

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Day04 9/23/2019

How was EX03 and HW03? Did you enjoy designing a wind turbine and making an animation of it?

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HW03 9/15/2019

Make the second animation using the diamond shaft. Upload it on youtube and post a link here.

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EX03_3 9/16/2019

post a link of your first animation on youtube!          

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EX03_2 9/16/2019

Could you download the following zip file and assemble them.

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Day03 update

Hi Class, I’m currently around Joursey City and will late 10-15min. ie 2:40pm. Please visit the day03 post and start ex03_1 without me. See you soon, MRN  

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Download a diamond shaft from the following link: And start assembling this with the blade that you designed last time.  

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Day03 9/16/2019

We will start a class 2:30pm instead of 2pm on Day03 9/16/2019. When you come to classroom, could you start EX03? Thank you.

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EX02_1, 2, 3

EX02_1 Draw a 3 by 5-inch rectangle. EX02_2 Design a blade for a wind turbine. EX02_3 Download this

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