Major Threats in Cloud Computing

The most common threats in Cloud computing are Denial of Service (DOS), Cloud Malware Injection, Side Channel, Phishing, and VM Rollback. Our team focused on 3 Major Threats.

1. Command and Malware Injection Attacks:  Command and Malware injection attacks are currently the biggest security challenge across all deployment models of Cloud computing. Attackers create a new service application which is injected into cloud servers, the malicious application is designed to behave and be recognized as a genuine service of the servers. Once the injection is successful, user data is then redirected to the malicious application and attackers get access to all private data, credential information, and unauthorized cloud resources.

2. Denial-of-service (DoS): is a common network attack used by attackers. During a DoS attack, the attacker prevents legitimate users from accessing services and information. This attack succeeds when the attacker overloads a server with many superfluous request than the server can process. DDoS attack which is basically an extension of DoS attack which synchronized multiple attack to a single target.

3. Data Breach: where data stored in cloud is leaked and hacked by unauthorized access.