ENG 1141: We meet tomorrow, March 8, at 2:30 pm


I am back, in good health, look forward to writing with you tomorrow in our classroom: 2:30 pm in Namm 521. To keep us on track with assignments for the semester, I’ve made a couple of changes to this week’s activities.

  1. For class tomorrow, March 8, please bring two verses or stanzas from a favorite song. We will use them for an in-class poetry writing exercise.
  2. In class tomorrow, after the poetry writing exercise, we will review the Poetry Assignment together. You are preparing two of the poems you’ve written in this class for submission, using submission guidelines that will be available on the OpenLab. We will go over the assignment in class tomorrow.
  3. The Poetry Quiz will now be completed as homework  on Blackboard after tomorrow’s class. I will go over the procedure in tomorrow’s class. You will have 24 hours to login and complete the quiz, which will have a 40 minute time limit.
  4. Remember to write your abecedarian on our Discussion Board by the end of the day today. Many of you have done this but a few need to participate. This discussion board is how I’m taking attendance for our asynchronous session for March 3 (last Thursday). The discussion board is here for you to participate or read: Discussion Board : Abecedarian Poems.
  5. Another reminder: I have office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-5 pm on ZOOM. See the blackboard folder for the address.

Stay healthy all and see you tomorrow!

Prof. Sears (Email: jsears@citytech.cuny.edu)


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