ENG 1141: Session 13 Follow-Up Links and Discussion Board Instructions


Today we have the first Discussion Board in fiction. This may seem challenging because fiction writing is new, but we all have to start somewhere. For this round, you have two options:

Option 1: Write two paragraphs of the story you started in class last Tuesday (a family story that gets told and retold) or Thursday (today) using  one of the provided plot-driven prompts.


Option 2: Write a story outline, showing the beginning, middle and end of a story you might write.

      • For the beginning, you might list characters, setting details and what the main character wants. (You might think of this as the dramatic question being asked.)
      • For the middle, you might identify the main conflict that might prevent the main character from getting the desired goal.
      • For the end, identify which characters remain and are the focal point and the setting again.

The discussion board can be found on the profile page of this course or directly using this link: Discussion Board: Story Starters

Other Class Notes

  1. For those planning to do a poetry revision, instructions posted earlier are here: Poetry Assignment: Instructions for Revisions
  2. In our next class, we will continue thinking about fiction writing techniques and also discuss the short story: Your Only Job is to Ignore that Phone. Please note, this story will be on the Fiction Reading Quiz.
  3. Remember to mark the date for City Tech’s Literary Arts Festival next Thursday with Layli Long Soldier, next Thursday, March 24 at 4:30 pm

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