Office Hours

Feel free to contact me at any time. As you know, my email is You may also call me on Skype (aaronbarlow) or use Google Hangouts (, though I prefer that you email me your phone number and ask me to call or text you. I also have a Zoom account (306-339-9992) that I have never used but am willing to try. You Can even use Messenger on Facebook and can “friend” me there if you wish.

The college wants me to have specific office hours, so mine will be M/Tu/W from 9 AM to 2:30 PM. But you may contact me at any time at all (except after 9 PM and before 6 AM) any day of the week. I will be equally responsive if you contact me on a Saturday at five in the evening as I will be if you do it during specified hours. I want to be as available as possible through the rest of the semester.

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