3/25: The Ways of Expression

Paper Due. Email it to Professor Barlow with course number and section number in the email’s subject line.

You have been working on this paper through text,  talk and email, at least, creating your paper through a number of means of expression, each one different from the other.

As soon as you turn in your paper, join the discussion on this  post, describing your process as well as what you learned through it.

You should post your own first comment,  monitor is and respond to whatever anyone else writes.  You should also respond to the first comments of at least five of your classmates, responding further when someone responds to you.

You should spend at least and hour and a quarter on this task,  breaking it up as you need to (that is, leaving and coming back to see who has responded to you and then writing more yourself).

9 thoughts on “3/25: The Ways of Expression”

  1. Hello professor, should we find a way to post the work here? Or are we sending it to you by email… also if we proofread someone elses work are we scanning what we proofread? Or just editing/commenting on a word doc what we think they should change?

    1. Send your papers through email. You should save all papers you proofread so that I can see them at the end of the semester. Use “Track Changes” so I will know the differences.

  2. “Google Gives Cover to Trump’s Lies” by Greg Bensinger, Trump lied to the media by saying that 1,700 engineers ( including the Google’s engineers)”made tremendous progress” on the facility for the Corana Virus. Google don’t even have the plan for it and they made up the data to “show ” that they have something. In the end Google did help deal with the virus. For example linking video of how to deal with the virus or reports from C.D.C ( Center for Disease Control and Prevention), but still that is not a “tremendous progess.” George Orwell would argue and agree that politics are full of dishonesty, and would use vague words such as “tremendous progess” to trick the media.

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