Category Archives: Unit 1 First Post

Welcome to the Blog Section of our Website!

Dear Students,

Welcome! Please post your first blog post below, introducing yourself to our digital writing community. Please let us know your name, probable major, and a favorite website or digital publication that you like to read on a regular basis.

Also, feel free to try adding a link (with the chain link image above) or use the “add Media” button to add a picture that expresses your personality and/or your interests in reading, writing, or digital media.

For example, here’s an image from a favorite show when I was young about the joys of being unpopular and nerdy in high school:

daria reading a book

Here’s how to create a new post:

  1. Create a new post by clicking on the little circle with a + sign in it.
  2. You’ll be on the Dashboard.
  3. Give your post a title.
  4. Somewhere in the post, add an image that you think represents you (or that you like) by using the Add Media button (Go to Upload Images, find or drag and drop your image and hit Enter, give it a title, set the size [it’s on the bottom right], and click on Insert.
  5. Alternatively, add a link to a favorite publication or media site by clicking on the “chain link” picture above the text field.
  6. When you’re done, click on Publish. You’ll see a box that tells you to choose a Category. They’re on the right side of the page. This post is “Unit 1 First Post.”  
  7. Then hit Publish again. You’re done! Feel free to view your post, and read the posts of your classmates. We’ll discuss more on Tuesday!

Cheers, Kim