Category Archives: Unit 2 Working Draft Popular Article

Michelle Darko


English Comp II


March 3,2019


                                 Benefits Of Metal Detectors


           The use of Metal detectors in schools began in 1992 after a shooting at Thomas Jefferson High School In Brooklyn, that lead to the death of two students. Ever since then metal detectors have been a popular thing in schools. Almost about 91,114 High school students go through metal detectors every morning in New york City as a daily routine. How would you feel if you are the only school in town or city with metal detectors?. In an interview In 2016 held by Metrofocus, Greg Floyd the president of teamsters local 237 ( Which represents the city school safety officers) he states that “ Metal detectors are In all airports, all city halls, and in all government agencies. So why can’t they be placed in all schools? Metal detectors are placed for safety, and that’s just the society that we live in”.Floyd claims that metal detectors are a way of life, and are there to protect civilians because we never know what someone is capable of doing. But the issue here is that Metal detectors are usually placed in low-income schools which are mostly dominated by the African-American race. Metal detectors should be placed in all schools to prevent any violent activity happening in the schools ,and ensure safety for not only one race of  students for all students.

         If Metal detectors should be placed in schools then they should be placed not just in a couple of schools but in all kinds of schools. If all airports have metal detectors like Floyd mentioned earlier then that same rule should be applied in schools. In a new analysis made my the Propublica it says that “ Almost all major American cities, mostly African American and hispanic students attend public schools where a majority of their classmates qualify as poor or low-income” (Reyes). An individual’s actions is unpredictable whether it is in a high-income neighborhood or low-income. The problem here is not that metal detectors make students feel like criminals, but the fact that they are mostly placed in African-American schools, indicating that only people of that race are capable of having weapons or any type of endangerment, and in matters that is not the case.  


      Metal detectors are not the only way the people of color haven been cartorized like this, For many years African-Americans have been stereotyped to be violent, mean, and angry people which has now had a troll till today. In a research done by washington post they found out that “34.9% of African-Americans were killed by cops-even though they were unarmed and not attacking” (Lopez). Examples like shows how society see African-Americans as a threat, so it will make it “normal” to place metal detectors only in communities that have a population of African-Americans because they can be very dangerous . So placing metal detectors in all schools would give an equal judgement on everyone not just low-income students and break the stereotypes that have been placed on African-Americans.   


       Although metal detectors can not solve everything it will help prevent students of all kind is race  from bringing weapons to school. If students see that their schools have metal detectors they wouldn’t be tempted to bring them. “ The mere presence of the machines may be enough to prevent violence if the attacker thinks they are likely to get caught as they enter the building” says Joe Vazque in an interview , the director of security sales for Garrett Metal detectors. Someone who has at least some hesitancy with what they’re doing will probably reconsider if they see a checkpoint with a metal detector .This will probably spare someone’s life or stop someone from being harmed. According to the New York Post “55% of things that are taken from students from metal detectors are box cutter and knives”. Now that’s a large amount of knives and box cutters, what about the knife that weren’t able to be confisticated from schools that don’t have metal detectors?.


         In 2017 a young boy stabbed a student while they were in school According to the New York Post “Abel Cedeno, an 18-year-old sophomore who had been bullied for his sexuality, snapped. Cedeno says he was being mocked by two boys; he pulled a black switchblade out of his backpack and stabbed them, killing Matthew McCree, 15’’ ( CNN newspaper ).The student unfortunately died, and although the student was wrong for bullying the Cedeno he did not deserve to die. If that school had a metal detector the young man’s life would have probably been spared. There are perhaps many more stories of a student being bullied in school that haven’t received attention like this one. This incident happened in the a Bronx community where the population is mostly African-Americans. In another tragic event the occurred in 2012 at Newton ,Connecticut which is a very dominant white population a young man by the name Adam Lanza walked into sandy Hook Elementary school and shoot dead 20 students from the age of six to seven year twoevents are to show that no matter where a school is located something terrible can happens, regardless of the age is the student or there race These two events show that it dosnt matter the location a school is placed anything can happen.We need to make sure that all students are protected at all times, and we can’t control everything that goes on in schools but what we can do is try to prevent them. And the one first step would be to place metal detectors in schools, it better safe than sorry.


           Placing Metal detectors in all schools won’t solve all the issue that we have today, but it can prevent some issues alongside the way. Even though metal detectors will cause students to run a little late, it will ensure their safety , make students realize that they shouldn’t bring weapons to school because they’ll get caught and get into trouble, and not make one group of students feel like they are criminals (African-Americans). Doing this will be lifting a weight from these kids not making them be characterized as the stereotype that had been placed upon them. We all want to make sure everyone is safe, no one wanted to be put in a predicament where they aren’t so we should try our best to bring ideas to ensure safety for everyone

Working Draft Popular Article

Clifford E. Strunkey
English D1211
March 14, 2019

Caribbean Life
The impact of Latinos in the United States of America
By Clifford Strunkey
The term Latino alludes to an ethnicity sharing a typical culture, history, and dialect. As indicated by Espinosa 2016. Latinos and Hispanics make up over 18% of the United States of America’s populace. In addition, more than 57 million Latinos and Hispanics living in the United States originate from various monetary, social, and geographic foundations, making them have different social classes, relying upon their national root and family legacy. Not with standing, there are some social similitude’s that unite the Latinos.
A standout amongst the most well-known social attributes of Latino culture is their language “Spanish”. In the year 1980, there were slightly over eleven million native speakers of Spanish in the United States. That population was about 5% of the total populace. By the year 2012, that population expanded to more than 38 million, translating to 13% of the total populace of the United States according to Barreto & Segura, 2014. Latino families regularly promote the Spanish language to their children as a method for safeguarding their culture,heritage,and legacy. This accentuation on bilingualism has resuscitated the Spanish language in the United States.
Religion assumes a critical task in Latino culture. Most Latin Americans are Christians. As per an examination led by Espinosa 2016, most Latinos identify themselves as Protestant and Catholic. Furthermore, Latino cooking styles are prevalent in the United States. Their cuisine has played a major role in American food and dietary patterns. A portion of the average things in Latin American cooking incorporates corn-based dishes, for example, tortillas, tacos and different salsas and toppings, for instance, guacamole, as per Espinosa, 2016. Tortilla chips and salsa are popular to the point that they are currently one of the most elevated moving nibble nourishment in the United States.
I was attracted to the Latinos because their culture puts a solid incentive on family. The Latinos will, in general, have extended and affectionate families. It is not extraordinary for three ages to live in a similar family unit or adjacent to one another. Grandparents regularly assume an essential job in their grandkids’ childhood, according to Barreto & Segura, 2014. The accentuation on the prosperity of the family makes the Latinos very group-focused with family and social events being typical.
Political Influence of the Latino
The Latino group of people is winding up progressively imperative to the culture, economy, and governmental issues of the United States of America. Currently, in excess of 55 million individuals very nearly one-fifth of the United States’ populace is Latin Americans and Hispanic, over 50% of whom have their roots from Mexico according to DeSipio, 2006. In the U.S. Latinos are achieving new statures in literacy, making critical financial additions, and drastically shaping the political scene according to Espinosa, 2016. These advancements will have significant ramifications for the United States in a period of two decades.
The noteworthy pressures and inward governmental issues of the Latino Diaspora are increasingly huge given the rising political impact of the Latin Americans: More than 11 million Latinos casted a ballot in 2012, and 40 million are relied upon to be qualified to cast a ballot by the year 2030, DeSipio, 2006. As the United States’ Latino populace keeps on expanding, its impact develops, both electorally and financially. Different countries in the Western Hemisphere should alter their strategies to oblige the statistic move. Given the social, financial, and political ties between Mexico and the United States, it is especially critical for Mexico to perceive the monetary and political ascent of Latinos, especially Mexican Americans living in the U.S, Espinosa, 2016.
Misconception about Latino Voters
The biggest misconception or myth is that Latinos are unresponsive and do not care about political issues. It is simple for a few strategists to make this contention when they take a gander at voter turnout rate that does not match its populace. Barreto and Segura, 2014, states that this is a misleading idea. When researcher’s conducts interviews and surveys, they find that Latinos are extremely intrigued, educated, and know current governmental issues. Additionally, researchers claim that Latinos are wise buyers. The only thing that political parties have to do to get their vote is to mobilize them, Barreto & Segura, 2014. Nonetheless, the Latinos ask themselves if the politicians care about them. They wonder if political parties need their vote.
Mentor Text from NCBI
National Center for Biotechnology Information is a national library of medicine based in the United States of America. It is an informative platform dedicated to giving accurate and credible information to its audience. I chose the article Latino Civic and Political Participation as a mentor text because all facts and arguments have been cited and research has been conducted to give credibility to the information given. NCBI targets researchers and scholars with interest in diverse topics. In the mentor text, people with political interest have an opportunity of benefiting from understanding the significance of the Latino population, and how it can help the political landscape. The model of persuasion used by NCBI is ethos. Information cannot be published without being verified by editors. Hence, the audience believes the information provided due to the credibility of the author. The audience for my article will be people with political interest. I will use professional language and factual statistics to add credibility to my article.
“Sources Used”
Barreto, M. A., & Segura,G. M. 2014. Latino America: How America’s most dynamic population is poised to transform the politics of the nation. New York, NY: Public Affairs.
DeSipio, L. 2006. Latino Civic and Political Participation. Hispanics and the Future of America. Washington DC, WA: National Academies Press. Retrieved from
Espinosa, G. 2016. Latino Pentecostals in America: Faith and politics in action. Cambridge: Harvard University Press

Popular article

Hey Michelle Darko


English Comp II


March 3,2019


                                 Benefits of Metal Detectors


           In an interview In 2016 held by Metrofocus, Greg Floyd the president of teamsters local 237 ( Which represents the city school safety officers) he states that “ Metal detectors are In airports, city halls, and government agencies. So why can’t they be placed in schools? Metal detectors are placed for safety, and that’s just the society that we live in”.Floyd claims that metal detectors are a way of life and are there to protect civilians because we never know what someone is capable of doing.The use of Metal detectors in schools began in 1992 after a shooting at Thomas Jefferson High School In Brooklyn that lead to the death of two students. Ever since then metal detectors have been a popular thing in schools. Almost about 91,114 High school students go through metal detectors every morning in New york City as a daily routine, although this might seem like a load sum of students it can also be a load sum students so are going to be safe. Metal detectors should be placed in schools to prevent any violent activity happening in the schools and ensure safety for not only the students but the parents who trust the school to keep their children protected.                        

     If Metal detectors should be placed in schools then they should be placed not just in a couple of school but in all kinds of schools. If all airports have metal detectors like Floyd mentioned earlier then that same rule should be applied in schools. Metal detectors are usually placed in low-income schools which are mostly dominated by the African-American race. In a new analysis made my the federal data it show that “ Almost all major American cities, most African American and hispanic students attend public schools where a majority of their classmates qualify as poor or low-income”. An individual’s action  is unpredictable whether it is in a high-income neighborhood or low-income. The problem here is not that metal detectors make students feel like criminals but the fact that they are mostly placed in African-American schools indicating that only people of that race are capable of having weapons or any type of endangerment, and in matters that is not the case. So placing metal detectors in all schools would give an equal judgement on everyone not just low-income students.


       Although metal detectors can not solve everything it will help prevent students from bringing weapons to school. If students see that their schools have metal detectors they wouldn’t be tempted to bring them. “ The mere presence of the machines may be enough to prevent violence if the attacker thinks they are likely to get caught as they enter the building” says Joe Vazquez, the director of security sales for Garrett Metal detectors. Someone who has at least some hesitancy with what they’re doing will probably reconsider if they see a checkpoint with a metal detector . This will probably spare someone’s life or stop someone from being harmed. According to the New york post 55% of box cutter and knives are confisticated from students almost every three months. Now that’s a large amount of knives and box cutters, now what about the knife that weren’t able to be confisticated. In 2017 a young boy stabbed a student while they were in school “Abel Cedeno, an 18-year-old sophomore who had been bullied for his sexuality, snapped. Cedeno says he was being mocked by two boys; he pulled a black switchblade out of his backpack and stabbed them, killing Matthew McCree, 15. The student unfortunately died, and although the student was wrong for bullying the student he did not deserve to die. If that school had a metal detector the young man’s life would have probably been spared. There are perhaps many more stories of a student being bullied in school that haven’t received attention like this one. But we need to make sure that all students are protected at all times, and we can’t control everything that goes on in schools but what we can do is try to prevent them. And the first step would be to place metal detectors in schools, it better safe than sorry.