Please print readings, annotate them, and bring them to class!


Wednesday 8/28

First day of class

WEEK 2- Begin Unit 1: Genre Analysis

Monday 9/2


Wednesday 9/4

Writing due: A printed copy of the literacy Influences essay at the beginning of class

Thursday 9/5 (classes follow a Monday schedule)

Join the class OpenLab!

Discussion board post due by class time: Introduce yourself

Reading due: Rhetorical Situations and Choices and Genre from The Bedford Book of Genres


Monday 9/9

Discussion board post due 5PM 9/8: Analysis of an ad

Reading due: Rhetorical Situations and Genres Together from The Bedford Book of Genres

Wednesday 9/11

Discussion board post due 5PM 9/10: Response to Anne Lamott

Reading due: Shitty First Drafts by Anne Lamott


Monday 9/16

Discussion board post due 5PM 9/15: Response to Richard Straub

Reading due:  Responding—Really Responding—to Other Students’ Writing by Richard Straub

Wednesday 9/18

Writing due: Bring in three printed copies of your genre analysis for peer review

WEEK 5- Begin Unit 2: Call to Action Research Paper

Monday 9/23

Writing due: Submit your genre analysis paper via email by the start of class for feedback & grading

Wednesday 9/25

Reading due: “Exploring Topics and Creating a Research Proposal” from The Bedford Book of Genres- Part 1 and Part 2


Monday 9/30


Wednesday 10/02

Discussion board post due 5PM on 10/1: Post your research proposal


Monday 10/7

Reading due: Evaluating and Choosing Sources from The Bedford Book of Genres

Wednesday 10/9



Monday 10/14


Wednesday 10/16 (Classes follow a Monday schedule)

Discussion board post due by 5PM on 10/15: Submit your annotated bibliography

Reading due: Sample City Tech student research paper- A Rough Ride: No One Cares How You Get There by  C. Daniel Thomas


Monday 10/21

In-class writing workshop (you don’t need to bring anything)

Wednesday 10/23

Reading due: Introductions and Conclusions- UNC Chapel Hill

In-class writing workshop—bring draft of body paragraphs and thesis to class

**I will hold mini-conferences in class on 10/23 and 10/28 to talk about papers and midterm grades**


Monday 10/28

Reading due: Reverse outlines

In-class writing workshop—bring complete draft of call to action paper to class

Wednesday 10/30

Writing due: Bring in three printed copies of your call to action paper for peer review

WEEK 11- Begin Unit 3: Remix Your Call to Action

Monday 11/04

Writing due: Submit your call to action paper via email by the start of class for feedback & grading

Wednesday 11/06

Discussion board post due by 5PM on 11/05: Write about three potential genres that you could use for your remix


Monday 11/11

Discussion board post due by 5PM on 11/10: Submit a genre analysis of your mentor text

Wednesday 11/13

Discussion board post due by 5PM on 11/12: Analyze “Stop Telling Women to Smile” and Know Your Rights murals

View: Stop Telling Women to Smile public art series by Tatyana Fazlalizadeh

View: Know Your Rights murals by People’s Justice for Community Control and Police Accountability


Monday 11/18

Discussion board post due by 5PM on 11/17: Analyze Greta Thunberg’s Ted Talk

Watch: School strike for climate- save the world by changing the rules Ted Talk by Greta Thunberg

Wednesday 11/20

Project due: Bring in your remix and reflection for peer review


Monday 11/25

Project due: Submit your call to action remix and reflection via email by the start of class for feedback & grading

In-class presentation day for remix projects—more details to come on how we will present

Wednesday 11/27

In-class writing workshop: Generative knowledge interviewing  (you don’t need to bring anything)

WEEK 15- Mini-Unit: Revision and proofreading

Monday 12/02

In-class revision workshop- bring a printed or digital version of your graded genre analysis and call to action with my comments. You can’t see the comments from a phone!

**During these final two weeks, I will hold mini-conferences during class to discuss papers and grades**

Wednesday 12/04

Homework due: If you didn’t finish your revision plan in class on Monday, do it for homework and bring it in today!

In-class revision workshop- bring a printed or digital version of your graded genre analysis and call to action with my comments. You can’t see the comments from a phone!


Monday 12/09

In-class proofreading workshop- Bring either your genre analysis or call to action paper, ready to proofread!

Wednesday 12/11

In-class proofreading workshop- Bring your other paper, ready to proofread!


Monday 12/16

Homework: Bring your artist’s statement for peer review

Wednesday 12/18

Submit your completed portfolio via email by Wednesday, December 18 at noon! In class we will review what we learned this semester.