Monthly Archives: November 2014

For Monday (12/1)


1) Finish “Thinking Critically About Research,” and make sure to bring the reading to class with you.

2) Begin reading your Research Project sources.


3) Bring in YOUR FINAL RESEARCH PROJECT QUESTION. (Can be handwritten.)

4) Complete your Annotated Bibliography Worksheet for at least 4 possible sources. (Can be handwritten.)

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Your homework for Monday…

…as I mentioned today (and as it says on the Syllabus uploaded here on Open Lab) is:

Write a paragraph about the message of a song. Choose any song you’d like (so long as it’s not “Maybe” or “The Message”). And make sure to bring in the lyrics. (I know printing is often not the easiest, but if you were to come with enough hard-copies of your song’s lyrics for everyone in the class–that’s 24 people including me–this would make me the happiest of all the world’s professors.)

Also, you should be aware (and, again, this is on the Syllabus uploaded to this course site) that your outline for Essay #2 is due this coming Wednesday.

Finally, there is a small handful of students who have not yet handed in the final draft of their Essay #1. Monday is the last day I will accept these from you. Your grade will be lowered due to lateness, of course, but that is much better than receiving a zero. Essay #1 is worth 15% of your final grade for the semester, remember–so you do not want a zero on Essay #1 if your hope is to pass this class.

Have a great rest of your week, and see you guys Monday.



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