This ENG1101 course introduces concepts of critical writing and thinking along with skills integral to constructing and documenting a college-level essay. As a First Year Learning Community, we will pair with Psychology 1101 to explore the emotional impact of the first year college transition and consider ways to identify and deal with new stressors.

Looking Back at My Writing

I have noticed since the beginning of the semester I have improved on my writing by not using the word “you” when trying to elaborate on my thesis. Instead I have found new ways to exclude it with words like “them” or “the students” to make my writing better to give the reader a better understanding of what I am trying to tell them.  But one aspect of academic writing that I am still having trouble with is how to put my ideas into a well structured sentences. The reason for this is because I have so much to say but I don’t want to put it in the form of the way I speak and I was told in high school my writing should give the reader the sense that I have the information and facts needed to understand the topic we are covering in my own word.  For example, when Professor Sears hands back my paper with feedback often times it comes back with the word syntax and I try my very best to hand in a revision of my paper. Furthermore, one aspect of writing that I enjoy doing is using transitions words because it tells the reader that I am moving on from one main point to the next. Also because there are so many transitional words that its actually kinda fun exploring new one to use in my writing and figuring out which one works best.

1 Comment

  1. Jennifer Sears

    THank you for writing this. Finding the right word or words is always a challenge for writers at every level, but this gets easier with lots of practice. I’m glad you find using transition words enjoyable. These words really do help to change the tone of your writing and also adds clarity. Keep up the effort and keep writing!

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