W4 Response

This is our discussion page for week four. Once you complete your two one-page fascination reports, comment below with a one paragraph summary of your two fascinations and which one you are favoring right now.

11 thoughts on “W4 Response

  1. Edward Castillo

    When creating both of my idea’s it was hard to pick which one I liked the most. The first idea I created last week was a reward program for fitness. It was an ideal plan for students , and young adults who are able to get rewards back when going to your local gym. The reward system is the ideal peak for college students to join so they have a fitness life/ college life. My second idea for the fascination report is building a PC . Building a PC service, will allow more people to build there own PC. The objective here is to teach the customers how to build a PC, but also buying the parts in our services. Allowing them to create whatever the customer wants and needs. This idea actually peaked me a lot because i personally wanted to build a business based off this idea. Buying parts from 3rd parties and building customized PC at a good price .

  2. Ram

    Hello guys, I have written about two fascinations one is Computer programming and other one is Stay fit and strong. Basically, in my report I was talking about how to do it, why you should do it, and what benefits you get out of it. Computer programming has its own language which computer can understand and produces so many things such social sites, softwares and etc. It is very demandable nowadays, which is why I want others to be one. Also, I want to know statiscally, how many are programmer in percentage. My last fascination is Stay fit and strong. I was talking about how important it is to exercise and eat healthy foods. Although, here in US most people dying from different diseases but if we work out and do balanced-diet not just we will cure from diseases rather we will live strong life. Yet, I don’t know what’s the percentage of healthy people as of now, which I really want to know. That’s all guys. Here are my two fascinations.

  3. Tsz Liu

    My two fascinations are languages and sleeping. We need to communicate with other people and the way we do it is by languages. Knowing the origin of languages and how it can benefit us if we know another languages. There are languages that are very similar with each other, such as Spanish and Italian. Sleeping is important for us to have a healthy life style. Sleep can affect a person’s day if they sleep good or bad. Sleeping poorly will make a person tired and can cause headache. Knowing how to sleep and naps is very important. Jet leg is annoying. I like to talk about sleep.

  4. Emir Cokrlija

    During the activity session, I wrote about two of my fascinations and how I could develop each into a working idea. The first idea I started to develop was my fascination with Japanese carpentry and how I could integrate it here in the United States due to it’s incredible efficiency. My second idea which I tried to develop includes my fascination with commercial drones and how they can be used to solve practical every-day problems people face. Of the two ideas, I prefer the one with drones and their applications primarily because it is a fairly new technology which wouldn’t have much of a hindrance as I try to push the developed product into the market. As of now, neither of the ideas are fully developed, therefore I would like to make the choice between the two when I have a better idea of the value of each of them, but nonetheless the second idea, currently, sounds much better to me.

  5. Xi Zhou Lin

    My two fascinations are to be a game tester or a game developer and open an animal shelter in my community. I had started to play the game since a kid, Pokemon was my first video game, it made me turn to a game lover, because of that, my dream is developing a game by my own and players enjoy to play it. Open a pet shelter in my community is my other fascination. I love dogs; they are human’s best friend. I want to take care homeless cats and dogs and find them a new home. By opening a shelter, I believe more cats and dogs can be saved in a dangerous environment. I think to be a game developer is my favoring right now. It pushes me to learn more and more about how to create those fancy video games, and a lot more about game engines knowledge are waiting for me to unlock them.

  6. Damali

    The two fascinations I chose were aerial silking and Aurora Borealis.
    Aerial silks are a unique way of expressing yourself as well as testing your limits. It fuses exercising, creativity and flexibility in a unique way. Aurora Borealis also known as the northern lights are a beautiful sight to see. The northern lights appear in the sky because of the collisions between gaseous particles in the Earth’s atmosphere. For my project, I want to persuade my audience to witness the beauty of aerial silking and the northern lights.

  7. lilli

    I would like to start a website which has information about politics in the US. It should and will have to start small, but hopefully grow, if it is successful. Just getting the information out is the ultimate goal. It doesn’t matter if its only for one district in Brooklyn, as long as someone finds it useful.
    I also love getting items at discounts. I love finding the exact thing that popped into my head but I didn’t know if it actually existed until I eBay deep dived and found it. I think a service in which people can describe and item they need and have it to their door within a set amount of time is intriguing. They could specify if they wanted a vintage, used, or new item, whether they wanted it made only in the US or other countries, etc. and the service would find it and order it for them.

  8. Tahir

    The two fascinations that i write about in my report was crating Free Energy and Self Rechargeable batteries. It is really hard for me to continue with one of my idea and in addition to it i have to write about one more idea.
    My first idea was about creating Free Energy. Who does not like having free stuff. Creating free energy using Piezoelectric might sounds difficult, but its really interesting and cool thing to do. We already discover different ways of creating energy but using nothing something that we can say its free. My second fascination in which i talk about Self rechargeable batteries who last for long period of times. These two things are the common problems that we are still lacking of it in current time. I think that i can overcome these problems with the right tools and make it work.

  9. Jameliah Crick

    The Two fascinations that i wrote about in my report were:
    1. Advocating for Daca Students :I would like to do something to invest in my free time by lobbying the politicians for a change. I would also like to educate people about the important of passing the dream act. Because the decision by the president was passed to end the DACA program, hundreds of students in City Tech and CUNY are being affected by this. I am interested in starting a petition and collect signature to support passing the dream act.
    2. Finding a solution to employment problems that students face in CUNY.
    International Students in CUNY have difficulty find jobs while attending school. They are only limited to CUNY jobs or companies that have partnership with CUNY. Annually, New York City College of Technology (City Tech) celebrates the diversity of our student population from around the world, representing over 148 countries. The challenge comes when there are no open vacancies for these students. Whenever there are open vacancies, the students have to compete against American Citizens who do not have limited options when finding a job. Curricular Practical Training.

    I am leaning more to do the 2nd one for my project

  10. Diku.sherpa

    My two fascinations are Yoga and Small Businesses. Yoga is related with forming harmony, calmness, and balance. It can relieve anxiety and tension. Yoga also teaches us how our muscles are interconnected and how our body works and can be a part of a great new direction in physical fitness. Small businesses are privately own company that has few employees. Small businesses not only produce works for themselves but for other persons in their societies. Although new business owners may start their businesses with only a few workers, those numbers grow as the business grows. Small businesses not only create works in their own businesses but also contribute to improving their local economies.

  11. king

    Basically, my two fascination are designing soldering board and playing the game of soccer. PCB designers often work for electronic component or semiconductor manufacturers. They decide the circuit board that are often in green in color and used in electronic product. They must integrate circuits and computer microchips into design of their board for used product such as cellphones and computer. The game of soccer is the most popular sport in the world, worldwide, more than 265 millions people. Also,it is played outdoors on a rectangular field of grass or turf with a goal in the middle of both shortened of the field. It is also played indoor. Basically, it is composed of eleven players on each team playing either forward,midfield, defense or goalie.


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