W8 Response

Please cut-and-paste your responses to the Week 8:  Midterm Assignment here.

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16 thoughts on “W8 Response

  1. Ope

    1. What do you like the most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it? What I like most about the ENG2575 is the stories that come with it, the experience in real life, that come with the course.

    2. What do you like the least about ENG 2575 and what would you change about the class? I dislike the unnecessary business of the class. I thought I came for something with technical writing, but focusing on stuff that I did in my previous business management class

    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits? If so, why and how. If not, what part and why? Technical writing is valuable, because it’s needed when your working for a company and you have to structure your documents when publishing to other people.

    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on? I feel like I am doing well in ENG2575, staying on top of my work, and participating. I still need to work on my creative ideas.

    5. If you had one (or more) piece(s) of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be? Being able to switch back and forth from Eng2575 and also relate to the business side of the class as well.

  2. Edward Castillo

    1. What do you like most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it?

    ENG2575 is a class that is different from any introduction English class 1101. I feel that this class should be a requirement for all students, all majors, because this class will make you write, and will allow you to think more. I feel that if it wasn’t for this class, I don’t think I would have more of an open mind set. I feel that most college students wouldn’t know how to do a business plan or anything of that kind of set. Because regular English class is just doing an essay, do the basis and that’s it. With this class, it makes you write, think, and everything is single space. I feel that the more you write, the better you could be at it. As well as how fast you can type as well. What I enjoy the most is the project we have, because as we are almost done with college, you will have some type of experience of what we are doing with the project. Thinking of an idea, expanding it, and trying to see if it can work. Millions of people try doing it, and with this class I feel like I am getting a head start because I may do this again in the future, just like the professor said.

    2. What do you least like about ENG2575 and what would you change about this class?
    Personally, I enjoy this class, because it allows me to think, and what I could bring to the project. What I would change is doing a little bit of web programming in English technical writing. Designing a website for the project, we are doing. That would be cool, because you are getting the feel of what it would be, just only in school. You sell your idea in the class with a website, and based off the vote in class, if they would buy that idea or item. For instance, I would of build a website from scratch, for building a pc as my project and I would show tutorial of how to do it. Being creative allows you to open your mind up.

    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits? If so, why and how. If not, what part and why?

    I feel that this course value to my own educational goals, because as a student, we should know how to make a business plan, and think outside the box more. This is something that all students should experience. Most of the cuny students just want a degree and get out. That’s not the way it is, we should get the experience from this class, plus get the work experience while in school. To make the college year count the most. A degree doesn’t define anything, it’s what you bring to the company, or YOU can be the boss. This class allows you to be the boss, if you create your own idea, and see if it works.

    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on?

    Right now, I am sure I am doing okay in this class I believe. I believe the workload is good enough to manage. Grade wise, I think maybe in the 80s, since I am not the best with grammatical errors. I still try to fix my own errors the best of my ability. That is the major thing I must work on with English since, I am not great at writing. Also maybe thinking more outside of the box and creating ideas could be something I can work on.

    5. If you had one (or more) piece(s) of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be?

    My biggest advice for you as instructor, is give more advice to cuny students so they are more aware. I feel that I am learning a lot from you, as you say your experiences. We pay for a tuition to learn from you, so I say, whatever advice you can give to young adults, please do give it out. You are doing a great job with this course.

  3. Tahir

    1. What do you like the most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it?
    Technical writing is indeed the most critical course as it enables a person to translate its technical thinking and integration concepts on a piece of paper. At the beginning of the course it was a bit hard for me to articulate the technical knowledge in words but after taking it I can not only explain my understanding of concepts but can also explain my understanding of connecting the dots which is indeed quite impressive. Thus the best thing about this course is that it helps an individual to transform and organize his technical ideas systematically and document it for proper presentation, explanation and in some situation demonstrations as well.

    2. What do you like the least about ENG 2575 and what would you change about the class?
    The least likening thing about this course is that we have to write a lot which is time consuming. It occurred quite frequently that I had so much going on in my mind regarding a specific concept but due to time limitation and busy schedule I couldn’t write it down properly on a piece of paper. Time taking is the only factor that is sometimes frustrating as not being able to write down your mind simply because of tight routine is unfair to yourself and your commitment. I wish there would be some easy way to do this.
    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits? If so, why and how. If not, what part and why?
    The course possess quite significance towards persuading educational goals as each Engineer should have the ability to document the ideas. Even to secure a reasonable job you have to perform exceptionally well in an interview, thus the course is aiming to enhance the technical communication and therefore improves your chance of getting selected. For presentations you can convey your concepts in much more meaningful and interactive way.

    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on?
    I would say that I am getting along the course quite reasonably well. I think I should be among top scorers particularly in this course furthermore I am still working to improve my ability towards critical thinking and enhancing my capability of writing the technical concepts in a more swift and easy way.

    5. If you had one (or more) piece(s) of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be?
    I personally believe that you did a tremendous job and hopefully you will keep on doing the same for the upcoming batches. Wish you all the Luck.

  4. Tsz Liu

    1. What do you like the most about ENG 2575 and what do you like about it?
    This class provided me what to be expected out of school. The professor teach a different way of writing I never learn before. He teach us what is technical writing and how to use it to write out an idea that worth something. He teach us step to step on how to do this and what to expected from it. It is really interesting to know how different it is from all the other writing I did. I never write something for some purposes and never need to think so deeply into what I want to do and write. This class will certainly help and prepare me if I need to do this in the future.

    2. What do you like the least about ENG 2575 and what would you change about the class?
    The least I like about the class is the process of getting an idea and what to do with it. Thinking about what can be wrong, problems that need to be solved, points that is not clear, and just thinking and discussing with people. I never need to think that much for a writing project before and it is difficult to come up with results. There are a lot of times I realize my idea is too hard and need to change it and there is time I got stuck. They are to be expected because it is the first time I did this. There is not much that I do not like about the class. There is not anything that need to be change because those are the things that are needed to be better the next time I do this again.

    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits?
    It is valuable because this class provided knowledge of how to write something useful in workplace or for future goals. It is teaching students a concept that no other English class have provided before. This class is preparing students what they might have to face in the future after graduated from school. It is better to know something than not knowing it. It is important to give them an idea what to expected in workplace because school is a lot easier on everything.

    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What are you doing best? What do you still need to work on?
    I really do not know how I am doing in this class. I finished all the assignments the professor give me and done them with what I understand about it. There are still a lot of problems on my project that I will need to fix. Maybe I will need to change something on my project. I still need a lot of information to help me with my project.

    5. If you had one piece of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be?
    There is not really any advice I can come up with because you do really good at teaching and motivating student. You know what you are teaching and what direction you want us to go. The subject you are teaching is new to a lot of students and you introduce this concept well. You talked about the discussion you have with your friend and how you want to change the direction of teaching. That might be a good start because you know what technical writing is and what will help students the most.

  5. Emir Cokrlija

    1. What do you like the most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it?
    What I like the most about the class ENG 2575 is that it is very different from other classes which I have taken here at City Tech. While other classes tend to stick to a very procedural type of lecturing where one is only expected to follow instructions without any sort of relevance to one’s own personal life, I feel like this class surprised me as it required me to think about what I truly care about. The type of work which we do in the class might be overwhelming but it nonetheless allows an individual to seriously think about their passions and how to develop them into viable ideas that can solve a real-world problem. Aside from the academic essence of the class, I really like the fact that it is a hybrid online class which really integrates quite nicely into my schedule and allows me room to take time and put effort into what we are doing in the class.

    2. What do you like the least about ENG 2575 and what would you change about the class?
    What I like least about the class ENG 2575 is the overwhelming amount of work we have had to do in such a short period of time. This, of course, may be due to the fact that I am not used to being exposed to such challenging tasks as a student, but regardless as we advance into the course more and more I am beginning to adapt to the class’s pace. I think I’ve come to realize that the great amount of work serves a purpose for us students and that is to teach us that there are no shortcuts to developing our ideas and turning them into reality, but rather a lot of effort must be put into the development of our ideas and surely a lot more mistakes must happen before we begin to see progress. Another thing which I do not like about the class is the room in which the class is held as it is very cramped with very little sunlight coming in, which in my opinion is not a desired learning environment for any subject or class. Therefore if there is anything that I would change about the course, it would be the room choice.

    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits? If so, why and
    how. If not, what part and why?
    I feel that the course has been of a great value to me so far and that it will continue to be so even more as we progress into the semester. What the course really allowed me to do is focus on what is important to me rather than what is being thought as it is the case with the majority of the classes. I experienced this with our first major assignment, Fascination Inventory, when I was writing about all of the things that fascinate me about the world. While working on the assignment I realized that it was possible to integrate my very own ideas into the academic world which tends to dictate its very own specific curriculum. Aside from that, I think that the skills which we will gain from the course, such as ability to write professional type documents will inevitably serve me well in my future professional career.

    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What
    are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on?
    I would asses my performance in ENG 2575 as satisfactory but still needing a lot of improvement. As far as completing the work required of me I think I have done an adequate job as I tried to finish all the assignments before their due date. What I am having trouble with is producing quality work as far as our project is concerned because sometimes I feel like I don’t understand what it is that needs to be done. I try to participate in the class as much as I can, but I feel like I need to ask a lot more questions concerning the classwork. Another thing that I need to work on is taking out the time to do the assigned readings because I feel like the information that the book provides might help me out with the current assignments.

    5. If you had one (or more) piece(s) of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be?
    Being that I have never taken a technical writing class before, I wouldn’t really know how to advise someone on how to teach it better. I feel like the instructor has plenty of experience and knowledge and that if he feels that the current way he is teaching is adequate than he should continue to do so.

  6. lilli

    What do you like the most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it?
    I like the advice and the coursework we are doing. I don’t mind how much there is, the more work there is the closer we are to completing a full proposal. I like that this course aims to convince us that we can do things we might never thought we could. It is a good look at what we should be doing and how we should be preparing for our lives after school. Every class is like a bit of a pep talk, and has interesting ideas raised.
    What do you like the least about ENG 2575 and what would you change about the class?
    I dislike, so far, the amount of feedback, I would like a little bit more for each thing we do or each important thing we do, so I have more of a path to see if I’m doing the correct thing. But perhaps this is how it works in the real world. We will just be working on our own and have to self correct our own work.
    Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits? If so, why and how. If not, what part and why?
    It is very important, I was feeling a bit lost about what I should be doing and how I could ever go about doing it. This course, I feel, is a very good introduction to topics I’ve always wanted to learn about. I’ve always wondered what it takes to start a business, this course addresses the start to that, and is pretty inspiring. This course goes over how to come up with ideas, how to make those ideas start to form a theoretical project. It’s really important information, I never thought college would teach me.
    Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on?
    I think I’ve handed in pretty okay work, perhaps the proposal is a bit bigger than $6,000 and I should either change the idea or pare it down more. I think I also have a hard time revising work, I need to be better at that, more patient perhaps. Writing enough to satisfy the requirements is hard as well. Also, I need to work on being on time.
    If you had one (or more)piece(s) of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be?
    The OpenLab is a bit confusing, I missed one assignment because it was under discussions once and I had only checked Assignments. But that’s more my fault than anyone’s. Though I’d rather have just one place to see the work assigned and one place to put it.

  7. Ram

    1. What do you like the most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it? 

    So, what I like most about this class is combination of writing and technology. Because it helps me think critically and sharing ideas. Even though, English is not my major but studying both English and technology at the same time quite hard but worth it. Being a technical writer means that break down complex information and make it simple. In addition to that, knowing how to use language to provide
    the users exactly what they need when they need it.

    2. What do you like the least about ENG 2575 and what would you change about the class? 

    Aside from the writing, the most prominent part of this class is that to understand complex material so that I can explain it to others. I think it is important to know that my audience could be from overseas so, documents must be written in a way that everyone can understand in any level of technical background. So, as a beginner, it is sort of hard for me to break down such complicated writing into simpler way but
    practice makes us perfect. I am trying to do better in it so it won’t be that complicated in the future. Factually, I don’t have anything to talk about in terms of changing class management and teaching guidelines because overall it is a good class.

    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits? If so, why and how. If not, what part and why? 

    Yes, because it is a specialized career. This field is a natural fit for background or strong interest in science and technology. For computer science major writing is an important skill to develop. For example, profound writing skills are essential for future career related to computer science major. It teaches to explain programming solution clearly.

    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on? 

    I am trying to improve my technical writing skills by doing assignments given in the class. In order to do best in this class; I am focusing on following steps: required skills (must be clear and concise,
    must have extensive knowledge), remembering the key materials (audience, purpose, supporting material and time), focus on rhetorical awareness, simplifying the terms, integrates graphics and visual aids. Furthermore, I need to work on collecting related information from the websites, class notes, sharing ideas from friends, and researching etc.

    5. If you had one (or more) piece(s) of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be? 

    I would prefer that the instructor would explain the writing methods in an easy way so that we can do it nicely. Also it would be easy for us to memorize the material if it is shown in the projector.

  8. Khan

    1. What do you like the most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it?
    As an engineering student, this class is of great benefit to me because writing is not my dialect. I am not familiar with writing extensively as it is not part of my curriculum. This classes teaches me the core of writing using subjects that are closely related to my field. It concentrates on technical and scientific works and enables me to do research. What is even more useful is that the papers written or the work done have constraints in regards to word limit. That is a helpful tool in the workplace because certain assignments require such restrictions and it teaches you to convey a message succinctly.

    2. What do you like the least about ENG 2575 and what would you change about the class?
    Since this class has constraints on the wording, it can be difficult to concisely express your idea or work in those requirements. Honestly, I don’t think much needs to be changed about this class especially for a student with my major. The only thing that can be a factor for consideration is getting the students more actively involved or more motivated by having assignments dealing with their specific interests and helping them make their goals tangible. I believe that our instructor did a good job on this but it could further be enhanced by making the work more hands-on.

    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits? If so, why and how. If not, what part and why?
    As I have mentioned earlier that I am an engineering student and writing is not my foray. Hence this course is valuable to my educational experience because it teaches me to implement writing into my life. Take for example, the final project: making a great idea, which prepares us to have our own idea and changing a good idea and cultivating it into a great idea and furthermore breaks it down into steps how your idea can be executed. Another valuable thing about this course is that it teaches you efficiency in your writing and prepares you by testing your skills based on limitations such as word count. It also builds your knowledge about using correct English in the workplace.

    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your performance in ENG 2575? What are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on?

    As a full time student, honestly it is hard for me to keep up with the pace of this course. I try to do the work for this class on time but sometimes managing time becomes difficult. I am doing my best in staying on schedule. Although I do need to utilize my time more efficiently and effectively which will enable me to better my progress in this course.

    5. If you had one (or more) piece(s) of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be?

    While it is nice that in the beginning weeks of our class, we dealt with assignments that asked us about our personal interests and different qualities that describe us, I would recommend that the instructor of this course assigns us books or readings that will help us incorporate such things through examples. Also the class would be more enjoyable if we read interesting pieces of writings.

  9. Diku.sherpa

    1. What do you like most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it?
    I like most about ENG 2575 the design of a documents, including reports, and technical reports. Students learn how to organize and express facts and concepts through the written word. ENG 2575 focuses on the structure of technical documents that may be used in industry, government, business, and university in future. The reason I like it is student communicate technical and scientific information to a variety of audiences throughout written and verbal presentations. And also because we all need clear communication whether writing policies and procedures or user manuals. ENG 2575 classes can make students a more effective communicator and help improve student’s skills.

    2. What do you least like about ENG2575 and what would you change about this class?
    The least like about this course is those students have too much work pressure. Due to time, limitation it is not possible to finish the given task on time. Most of the students are panicked and frustrated because of the workload.

    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits? If so, why and how. If not, what part and why?
    Yes, this course is valuable to own educational goals and pursuits because this course is directing to develop the technical communication skills. It is also written communication field with specialized vocabularies, such as health, science, engineering and technology. The purpose of technical writing consists of completing project and sharing information in a professional manner.

    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on?
    My performance in ENG 2575 as satisfactory but still wants to do lots of progress. As far as finishing the work, I have done most of the assignment. I still have to make some correction with my project.

    5. If you had one (or more) piece(s) of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be?
    You are intelligent, caring and helpful professor. I believe that you are doing remarkable job. You are a great instructor.

  10. tyannherve

    1. What do you like the most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it?
    I like English 2575 because it helps me to accurately communicate in everyday life. I like the fact that it helps the students to use technical resources ( internet research, computer,) to ameliorate their writing skills and research skills. I also like English 2575 because the class is preparing me for my future career which is Software and Business. Beside all the things i have listed above, this class is also useful in writing SWOT which is helpful for business project and to organize your work. I also like the presentations because it prepares me for public speaking and to overcome my fears.
    2. What do you like the least about ENG 2575 and what would you change about the class?
    Although every informations and lessons i get from ENG 2575 are useful to me, i dislike the fact that there are too many work to be done at the same and the fact that every work we do in class have to be summarized.
    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits? If so, why and
    how. If not, what part and why?
    ENG 2575 is a very helpful class because i gain so much information from it in terms of preparing me for my future career and educational goals. For example, the SWOT is one thing i really like because it help me to understand the differences between internal and external factors to achieve my project and to identity the advantages and disadvantages of the project. It’s also useful in brainstorming the ideas to construct a project.
    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What
    are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on?
    My performance is pretty much good because i understand the concepts of every subject that we work on in class. What i do the best is having a good observation on the society’s need by brainstorming all the difficulties and finding the solution related to technology. I also plan all the steps ahead of time which helps me organize my work. What i need to work on is to avoid to repeat myself whenever i try to write and to identify the answer to every questions without having to repeat myself. I will also like to work on developing the my idees deeply.
    5. If you had one (or more) piece(s) of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be?
    I will advice you dear professor to keep pushing your students to work hard and to keep up the humor around the class. I love the fact that you will do anything to see your students succeed in class and the fact that you are willing to leave any occupations just to be in your office to help the students out.

  11. king

    1. What do you like the most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it?
    Regarding this class, I’m taking currently I can assert that I really kind of like it more than previous classes I’ve taken due to several reasons. First in this class we have versatility and it doesn’t have a specific routines controversy to other classes I’ve attended. Before in previous classes I usually had a routine in the classes even you could guess for instance of a certain time what are your doings. In my view routines in a class make learning boring and undesirable after a while this class doesn’t have any appeal to you and makes you tired and attentive
    2. What do you like least about Eng. 2575 and what would you change about the class?
    Honestly, what drain me most in this class is the amount of work that we have to complete. As a college students, we have lots of other responsibility, meaning we have other classes that also gives us homework and plus we have jobs and if you put it together with the load of work we’re receiving it’s basically impossible to complete. If I would change something in this class as a professor I will minimize the amount of workload that is given to the students.
    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goal and pursuits? if so, why and how. If not what part and why?
    Yes, I think this course is very much valuable to my own educational goal and pursuit. First of all, I am majoring electrical engineering technology and in my major, we always write lab report, meaning anytime we build somethings we have to write a report to explain what we made. Basically, I think this class is very helpful, because usually in our report the professor doesn’t want any grammar error, so I believe this class will guide us to not make any error. Also, later after we graduate and hopefully starting to work, we will need this because there will be people that will be reading our report and we as of engineer have to make it presentable.
    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on?
    Usually, in the mid semester is midterm time and students panic. Honestly, my assessment in the class will be okay, because I basically completed most of my work that was given to me in this class and I expect myself to be better, meaning put in the work I need to put in to better myself so I could be very successful in this class. Also in this class I think I’m very better at completed most of my work and I’m also willing to be better completing all my work from mid-semester to the end. The things I need to work on is being on top of my work and make sure I’m on track to everything from now on.
    5. If you have one more piece of advice for me the instructor. What would it be?
    Honestly to me you’re a great a professor, because you basically interact with the class, meaning the way you teach it’s fun because if I compare you’re teaching to other professor I had before your way of teaching is fantastic. I enjoy it, because you basically eye contact us when you explain things compare to other professor I had before some of them like to use PowerPoint all the time. Basically, using power point to teach students doesn’t work because it makes a lot of us sleep during the lecture. One advice I will give as a professor is that if you minimize the amount of work you.re be given that will be a good thing, because it will be very helpful for us students.

  12. Dennis

    1. What do you like the most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it?
    What I like most about ENG 257 is the fact that the work that we are doing is actually applicable in real life, instead of just writing a paper like we did in the past English classes. We get to learn how to format what we are writing by looking at different example out there instead of everyone in the class having a uniformed outline.

    2. What do you like the least about ENG 2575 and what would you change about the class?
    What I least like about the class is the workload, as a full-time student and worker, I feel like the workload is too much. I do not have enough time to complete every assignment, I would prefer if some of the homework assignments were done in class so that I would at least be able to complete a lot more instead just lecture the whole class for.

    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits? If so, why and how. If not, what part and why?
    I believe some of the information from the class is very valuable to my educational goals and pursuit. Our assignment that showed us how to write a proposal was helpful for one of my class engineering management. In my management class, we had to write a proposal for a project we would work on in a group of four and our budget was up to us. Though our proposal was due before we began our business proposal exercise in ENG 2575, it will still be helpful because we have to resubmit the proposal again after gaining more information on our project and this time I can apply what I learned from the class to help improve our proposal.

    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on?
    Honestly, my performance in the class is not that good due to not having enough time to do all the assignments but I am trying my best to get the ones I am missing done as soon as possible. What I am doing my best on is the proposal for the final project; I believe I have a solid idea to work on and should not face any problems writing about it. What I need to work on is trying to do as much of the work that I am still missing as soon as possible.

    5. If you had one (or more) piece(s) of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be?
    The only advice I have is that I feel that some of the homework assignments should be done in class to shorten the workload needed to do out of class because I don’t have that much free time as a full-time student and worker.

  13. Damali

    1. What do you like the most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it? I like that I am able to write about different topics. It’s a sign of creativity. I also love the different conversation the professor has with the class.

    2. What do you like the least about ENG 2575 and what would you change about the class? I dislike the amount of work we have to do in a week. It is very overwhelming. I suffer lack of sleep because of it.

    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits? If so, why and how. If not, what part and why? I believe that this course is valuable to my own education. This course helped me to open up my mind a bit more. I always had one type of mindset, which was pretty basic. We did plenty of assignments that made me think more outside the box.

    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on? So far I think I’m doing well in the class. I’m able to come up and technically write down information in a business matter.

    5. If you had one (or more) piece(s) of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be? I would ask if the advisor would be easy on the students. Try not to assign so much h.w that will be due within the week. students can get really overwhelmed especially if he/she have other responsibilities.

  14. Jameliah Crick

    1. What do you like the most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it?
    I like the fact that this course challenges me to think more in depth than I would in any other English courses that I’ve previous taken. I like the challenge because, it would benefit me throughout life in terms of having better communication skills.

    2. What do you like the least about ENG 2575 and what would you change about the class?
    My least favorite thing that I like about this course is that, it requires you to write a lot of materials. I would not change anything about the class because the class is great, but maybe I would add a little more time for finish the assignments.

    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits? If so, why and
    how. If not, what part and why?
    I think that this course is valuable to my educational goals and pursuits because I am very determined to get full marks on my project and because you keep it so real, every time I get a no, I would work harder and harder to gain your approval on my project and to do it the best that I possibly can. This course will also help me to be a more organized person.

    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on?

    I would say that I am passing thus far, I am best at my creative ideas especially the one for the project since I do not believe that most students would focus on international students because majority of them are not in the same position as us. I still need to work on posting my assignments on the google drive on time. Most of the times, I would do my assignments and print it out and forget to upload it on the drive.

    5. If you had one (or more) piece(s) of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be?
    My advice would be to continue the way that you are teaching your students because it keeps us interesting in the course. Most of the times it is very hard to pay attention to a boring professor that only reads from slides or lets us read the text book. Your method of teaching is very interactive and it makes us want to learn more because you keep it real.

  15. Ariz Lezama

    1. What do you like the most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it?
    What I like about ENG 2575 is I could provide creative ideas to the discussion about the topic we are talking. I enjoy putting my own input of interactive with other people. I enjoy bringing different experience that actually brings stories of different angles of same scenario. These experiences could eventually help me in the future.
    2. What do you like the least about ENG 2575 and what would you change about the class?
    What least like about ENG 2575 is the time to type. Due to my life struggle with a job, timing and different schedule of class (morning classes and night classes), I barely have time to even practice my typing skills. I know this is important but I need time to even do anything.
    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits? If so, why and how. If not, what part and why?
    I know this course is important and valuable for my own future. I’m pursuing making my own business and these skills will be helpful to me. I need these skills for my own future.
    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on?
    I really don’t know how to asses my own performance. I’m doing the best I can to accomplish all the assignment. I’m there every day so far and haven’t missed a day. I still need work on my long reports. Hate typing for a long time.
    5. If you had one (or more) piece(s) of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be?
    I really don’t have much to say. Each person has their own agenda. Always provide help where they need the most.

  16. Aaron D. George

    1. What do you like the most about ENG 2575 and why do you like that about it?
    What I like about ENG 2575 is the fact that I can brain storm for ideas. Sometimes, it can be challenging to come up with ideas. I also like the professor’s conversation with the class and I also like the fact that there are no exams.

    2. What do you like the least about ENG 2575 and what would you change about the class?
    What I like least about ENG 2575 is the fact that there is way too much work to be done. What I mean is that I will struggle to write a 3-page paper on a topic that I don’t know about in the span of two days. I have a heavy school schedule for this semester. Every time you give us new work to do, it’s like I get stressed out when leaving the classroom.

    3. Do you feel this course is valuable to your own educational goals and pursuits? If so, why and
    how. If not, what part and why?
    I really don’t think this course is valuable to my education goals. My major is Computer System. I don’t see myself writing a fascination relating to my major in the future. If I was to do it, I would be a billionaire.

    4. Midterm grades are coming. How would you assess your own performance in ENG 2575? What
    are you doing the best? What do you still need to work on?
    I would say I’m doing fine. What I’m doing best is writing the papers in perfect format. I need to improve on submitting the assignment on time. I’m trying to submit past assignments ASAP and not fall behind because it could get worse for me.

    5. If you had one (or more) piece(s) of advice for me, the instructor, what would it be?
    One advice I would give to you is that you should make us do shorter assignment for two days and the longer ones for a week.


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