Online Discussions

Week 8 Online Activities (45 minutes)

For the 10/26 online activity, you will take your midterm assignment responses on the course and include them in a post. You can find the page to do that here.

You can find the assignment here. Please spend some time to think through your answers and complete it.

Week 5 Online Activities (1 hour)

For the 10/5/17 online activity, you will take your in-class writing on the why, how, and what of your project, and compose a response that answers the “so what” question about your idea.

Add your response here.

In two paragraphs, present a compelling argument about why your idea should be the one that you work with for the duration of the semester. You may incorporate some of this writing into your proposal.

Week 4 Online Activities (2.5 hours)

For today’s online activity, please develop two single-paged reports (template provided below) that discuss two possible fascinations you might want to work with. You can continue to develop the one from last week, but then also choose another. If you are unsure what to write about, choose questions from last week’s homework. The purpose here is to see if you have anything to say about your fascinations and can structure your ideas into the very most basic report format.

The report template can be found below. Download it and save it on your own device: WritingOutAnIdea_Take2

Once you have added your two fascination reports to your personal Drive space, go here and write a paragraph that summarizes the work.

You will want to complete this assignment before the end of the week. On Tuesday, you get your next major assignment after the Fascination Inventory.

Week 3 Online Activities (1.5 hours)

For today’s activity, you will begin to generate ideas about a fascination that you *might* want to develop into a project.

  1. To generate ideas, please refer to the last page of your Final Project overview (link here). There, you will find a series of questions (link here) for you to write about when considering a possible fascination for your project.
  2. On your own paper, take some notes on these questions. You do not need to answer them in-depth, but having a few details will be helpful. In a separate, one page (single-spaced) report-like document, organize your best ideas about your fascination (using a different/better order than what you find below) and articulate the merit of your idea. Upload this document to your personal Drive folder.
  3. Respond here with a comment that summarizes your possible idea and its value in one paragraph.
  4. Note:  You do not need to answer every question. Choose a cluster of meaningful questions to start and answer those.

Week 2 Online Activities

There are no online activities this week due to my involvement in Hurricane Irma preparation.

Week 1 Online Activities

Below, you will find three online forms to fill out for our first week online meeting:

  1. Contact Information Sheet – Lets me know how to get in touch with you, your linguistic/cultural background, and what you are currently doing in school and at work. All very important factors to consider when delivering a writing course.
  2. Self Evaluation – How good you believe you are at various skills and technologies that may impact your ability to do the work of the course (both positively and negatively).
  3. 15 Question Survey – This is where I get a sense of what your current perspective is on writing and how you think about using it. It also lets me see how proficiently and quickly you write at the paragraph level just in case you aren’t ready for this course yet. It’s rare, but it does happen every couple of classes.

I’ve tried to estimate how much time you should be spending on each section with the links below. The estimated time for the 15 question survey is based on a five-to-seven minute response for each question. If you are an unconfident writer, it may take you longer, but do not spend hours thinking about or writing this. I’m not grading it based on how good your paragraphs are (yet).

Contact Information Sheet (15 min)

Self Evaluation (15 min)

15 Question Survey (90 min)

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