Attention Please

This semester we will be using the PC Pro courseware from TestOut. Check the information below.

From the Book Store

You can use your financial aid to get LabSim through City Tech’s bookstore. This is the ISBN you will need.

Exam# LabSim Title ISBN#
220-801 &
TestOut PC Pro Version 7 978-1-935080-42-8

Directly From TestOut Website

Student Ordering Process:

  1. Visit
  2. Click the Purchase button
  3. In the next screen, enter Promotion Code 14-232TA, then click “Continue”
  4. Add PC Pro to your cart
  5. Follow shopping cart directions to place your order
  6. When prompted, enter the school name precisely as New York City College of Technology
  7. Activate your courseware and login into TestOut to find the class