Hello world!

IMG_2105IMG_2106   EMT 1130 video notes IMG_2104 Welcome to CityTech Sites. This is a first post. I can Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

But right now I would like to ask that you use this site in any way you can for furthering the education process of the EMT1130 Electromechanical Manufacturing (Tools Skills) Lab course.

Please visit the site regularly for updates and feel free to explore all the various links referenced in it as part of your academic progress initiatives.

Enjoy the website pages and the planning of learning how to build a digital trainer at City Tech (NYC College of Technology) !

EMT1130PCBsolderedWithMostComponents_WithWiresConnectionPB062879 (2)

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3 Responses to Hello world!

  1. Mr WordPress says:

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  2. john says:

    did you begin to wire the pc board and connecting the led lights

    • Henry LaBoy says:

      Not sure I understood the question(must’ve been for me)but,yes, I did begin by wiring the PCB (printed circuit board) then at some point later I recall/recommended wiring the LED lights in addition to numerous other important items. It’s necessary to fully attend your course class sessions, go to the Open Lab sessions, & keep up with the homework assignments of setup, wiring, and labeling of your digital trainer in order to stay ahead & avoid last minute unexpected malfunctions that can put students in the heat of the spot at the end of the semester. Hope this helps & keep in touch(KIT)

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