Internship – Week 7

As it would seem, things here aren’t as organized as they could be, which is to be expected when multiple people with multiple priorities don’t keep up with what needs to get done.

I spent this week working with one of my supervisors to organize the work me and my coworkers needed to get done.  CtP covers a lot of different causes, ranging from health and hygiene, to education, to social issues, to safety for men and women alike.  As such, there are a lot of banners that need to be designed.  While I and my fellow interns DID know this, uncertainty arose regarding the material we would be using to finish the designs.

Having that resolved means these last few weeks will be dedicated to continuing designing the collateral this company needs. I’ve been assigned designs for additional content on CtP’s website as well.

Assignments due for my other classes only add to the amount of organization I’ve had to do with my workload. I hope I get good results for my efforts.



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