Monthly Archives: December 2016

Final Exam

Write a paragraph about each of the full novels that we have read this semester. Summarize the narrative, and describe the issues of law explored in the novel. Use character names, settings, and scenes as needed. Each response must include the name of the author and the title of the novel being discussed. Successful responses will be at least several sentences long for each novel. Write your response in the Blue Books provided.

  • Herman Melville, Billy Budd, Sailor. 1924.
  • E. M. Forster, A Passage to India, 1924.
  • Franz Kafka, The Trial, 1925.
  • Cory Doctorow, Little Brother, 2008.

Final Project Presentation Schedule

Monday, December 12

1 2 Catherine
2 18 Ernest
3 6 Sandra
4 13 Juan
5 19 Sotir
6 11 Chelsi
7 9 Cynthia
8 16 Kenny
9 8 Qi Qing
10 3 Michael
Wednesday, December 14

11 10 Yelva
12 1 Victoria
13 12 John
14 17 Deloris
15 14 Devin
16 7 Brian
17 15 Saber
18 5 Anthony
19 4 Jovan

Remember: On your presentation day, come prepared with your PowerPoint presentation on a flash drive (also, email it to yourself, save it to cloud storage, etc.–essentially, have a plan B), and come dressed in business casual attire. You should read from a script or have a script as a guide, which you will turn in after your presentation. Your script must be printed and include your paper’s title and your name.