Monthly Archives: November 2016

Extra Credit Opportunity


If you attend one session and write a one-page, double-spaced report on who you heard speak and what you learned from the discussion, you can earn credit for one daily writing assignment or if you have done all of the daily writing assignments, you will earn bonus credit for the daily writing assignment portion of your grade. The schedule for the symposium is here:

Notes from today

Research Paper

First: Remember that your paper is an argument.

What makes the most convincing argument?

Facts, evidence, and sources.

Discover in the artifact itself through close reading. This is your discussion about the artifact and its relationship to justice, the law, jurisprudence, etc.

I argue that The Night Of is an important example of the justice system gone wrong.

Each example that I discuss to support my argument should be focused on scenes.

General Outline

  1. Introduction aa) What is a problem that you want to address in your paper or that you see your artifact addressing. (a) say what is the object of your research paper—artifact, and b) state your argument for the entire paper. Write your Road map sentence.
  2. Discuss Your Examples/Issues that support your argument.
  • Example
  1. Example
  2. Example
  3. Example
  • Example
  • Example
  1. Conclusion—so what?


How to deal with quotes!

According to the Court in the Miranda ruling, “something very very important to my discussion” (Arizona vs. Miranda). What this means is something really important.