Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 2

For this week’s Weekly Writing Assignment, I would like you to write at least 250 words the describes (1) how you selected the article that you did for the 500-word summary including details, such as which databases you used, what keyword(s) you used, and what criteria you used to focus on some articles and not others; and (2) a set of instructions that someone else could use to find the specific article that you selected, which can be a description of steps in sentences or a list of steps: 1, 2, 3, etc.

Watch this week’s lecture above for a full description of this assignment before completing it.

Type your response into your word process of choice and save your work some place safe. Then, click on the title of this post above (“Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 2”), scroll down to the comment box, copy-and-paste your response from your word processor into the comment box, and click “Post comment.”

Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 1

For this week’s Weekly Writing assignment, I would like you to send me an email that follows these parameters:

  • Send an email to Prof. Ellis at jellis at citytech.cuny.edu from your City Tech email account.
  • Refer to this medium.com article for advice on best practices when emailing a professor.
  • Subject line: ENG2575 OL83 Student Introduction
  • Salutation
  • Body: Tell me about yourself, your major, career goals, hobbies, what you want to get out of our class, and your day and time availability when you might be able to work with your team of students in class.
  • Closing: Sign with your name or how you would like me to refer to you.
  • If you need to reset your email password, visit: forgot.citytech.cuny.edu.