Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 4

For this week’s Weekly Writing Assignment, compose a short memo (remember the memo header of TO, FROM, DATE, and SUBJECT) to Prof. Ellis with the subject, ā€œExpanded Definition Research.” In the body of your memo, write and reflect on how and where you are finding sources for your Expanded Definition project. What databases and research websites are you using? Are you using The New York Times (signup for a free pass here) and Archive.org? No more than 250 words are needed. The main thing is to communicate to me that you are performing your due diligence to find useful definitions and contextual quotes of the term that you selected. Write your memo in your preferred word processor and then copy-and-paste your memo into a comment added to this post.

13 thoughts on “Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 4”

  1. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Richard Rivera Urgiles
    DATE: 03/03/2021
    SUBJECT: Expanded Definition Research

    I am using the sources that have been provided by the professor which are the New York Times and eBooks from the City Tech library. I attempted to search through archive.org but there wasnā€™t any useful information that I could use. But given the time stamp I have to submit the expanded definition; I will look through sources apart from the ones I have researched from more thoroughly to have a more detailed and satisfactory project. I am aware that I have other sources such as journals, articles, and magazines that I can look through to improve on my research, therefore I will do just that.

  2. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Ralph Ayala
    SUBJECT: Expanded Definition Research
    DATE: 3/3/2021

    I am finding these resources based on the lectures I have been watching. I am using IEEE currently, but I hope to find more resources based on what you recommended to the professor.
    Another source that I have used is the English Oxford Dictionary. The information from the Oxford Dictionary can be very helpful when receiving quotes that people have used for a specific term. However, I have been running into issues finding a book involving my Software Development. I believe it is just the amount of time I am given to find one. So, as of this moment I am currently using IEEE and Oxford Dictionary. I am not using New York Times or Acheive.org. I would prefer to use the sources you suggested for us to use professor. Ever Since last week I have been watching your lectures as a guide for me to not only find sources but how I should format them in APA style. I am hoping to find another source from a different site or perhaps find a book that describes the history behind the word software development. To find books I would use the city tech library to find anything involving software development. If there are any other sources that you would recommend to me professor I would really appreciate it. My only concern at this moment is getting everything done on time before the next session. Thank you for taking the time to read my memo. Have a great day professor.

  3. To: Prof. Ellis
    From: Matthew Rupchand
    Date: 2/24/2021
    Subject: Expanded Definition Research

    When conducting the research for my expanded definition of data encryption, I utilized the City Tech library website for articles and encyclopedias for information about data encryption. When looking through the encyclopedias from the City Tech library site I found that data encryption wasnā€™t particularly in there but the encryption was. As a result, I used the information given for encryption because both encryption and data encryption are closely similar. Through the library website, I used the IEEE Xplore to find scientific backed articles that spoke out about data encryption and how they used the word in their work.

  4. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Angela Hernandez
    DATE: 3/3/2021
    Subject: Expanded Definition Research

    For the expanded definition research, I am utilizing the City Tech library website and the IEEE Xplore database primarily. Most of the sources I am using are e-books such as the English Oxford Dictionary and the Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology. Through the IEEE Xplore database, Iā€™ve been able to find several articles and journals that are directly related to the term I am researching. While Archive.org did not provide me with relevant materials, I found several interesting articles related to my term on The New York Times website.

  5. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Mamadou Diallo
    SUBJECT: Expanded Definition Research

    Four this project research, As I did my research before the day of 24 of February, so I used three sources that I found on google scholar. before watch the last week lecture, I did not realize that Iā€™m supposed to do research on IEEE Database or on the New York Times Website. Going through those three source I found a lot of Information related to the terms I used to do my research for the Expanded Definition.

  6. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Benson Huang
    DATE: 03/03/2021
    SUBJECT: Expanded Definition Research

    I am using the CityTech Library website to find my sources. Using the the CityTech Library website has led me to use Oxford Reference and Dictionary to find more sources. I may find more sources to use because I think some sources could be better. Since you posted the New York Times that says we can use it for free I will look into that.

  7. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Remonda Mikhael
    DATE: 03/03/2021
    SUBJECT: Expanded Definition Research

    To do my research I used the sources that have been presented at the lecture I went to citytech library website and then under start research clicked on research guides and the guides by subject then computer system technology then computer Engineering system technology then ENCYLOPEDIAS then I went all the way down i picked oxford English Dictionary and from there I searched for the definition I wanted which was Programing , Coding and Networking I picked 3 definition unfortunately I cant open the books so I did another research using articles instate of books it was actually the same steps.

  8. TO: Professor Jason W. Ellis.
    FROM: Motahear Hossain.
    DATE: Feb 3, 2021
    SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Artificial Intelligence.

    For writing my Expanded Definition of Artificial Intelligence assignment, I use several definitions and quotations from multiple sources and websites. For the definition purpose, I use two dictionaries. One is Oxford English Dictionary, and another one is World Encyclopedia. Having both constructive definitions, the word ā€œArtificial Intelligenceā€ becomes much simpler to define. For context purposes, I use The New York Times, IEEE Xplore, and a blog post. To understand the historical concept of artificially intelligent robots or robotic systems, I read a blog post posted by Rockwell Anyoha. From that blog post, I use a quotation. Then I open IEEE Xplore using the City Tech Library website and search ā€œArtificial Intelligence.ā€ It gave me a lot of data related to Artificial Intelligence. Then I select ā€œJournal articleā€ and apply it to specify my reference. Next, I opened several articles to read and picked one for my expanded definition assignment. That article describes how modern-day artificial intelligence (AI) is developing to benefit many different industries. I use a quotation from that article to define how artificial intelligence is broadly covered nowadays. Then I create an account in The New York Times using my college email and search for the word ā€œArtificial Intelligence.ā€ It gave me lots of valuable journal articles about artificial intelligence. I opened some articles for reading purposes but did not select the specific object, yet I will use it for my assignment. However, I will choose one from that and be able to finish my project.

  9. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Zeela Rafija
    DATE: 03/03/2021
    SUBJECT: Expanded Definition Research
    I am using the CityTech Library website to find my sources. I am mostly utilizing Jstor database I believe Jstor has most of the resources I need. I am also using the English Oxford Dictionary and the Encyclopedia to find more sources. I will try to use some sources from New York Times as well if I find something relevant.

  10. To: Professor Ellis
    From: Pavel Hlinin
    Date: March 3, 2021
    Subject: Expanded Definition Research

    For my Expanded Definition Research Project about Alternative Energy Sources, I tried a few different sources and databases. I found out that the Citytech library is very useful. The term definition could be found in the Oxford English Dictionary. Some useful information can be found at archive.org. Also, I used Google Scholars to do my research where I found many interesting articles, magazines and reports. Academic OneFile and The New York Times also contain some useful for me data.

  11. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Edward Dominguez
    DATE: 03/10/2021
    SUBJECT: Expanded Definition Research

    For my Expanded Definition Research about Artificial Intelligence, I am mostly using the city tech library. For the definitions I am using the Oxford English Dictionary and Oxford Reference. I also tried using archive.org but couldn’t find anything useful. I am also using The New York Times website to find articles.

  12. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: MD Jahirul Hasan
    DATE: 03/15/2021
    SUBJECT: Expanded Definition Research

    For my expanded definition research, I used the CityTech Library website to find my sources. I am using several definitions and quotations. I found the term definition in Oxford English Dictionary. I also used several eBooks and articles from CityTech Library database. I am also planning to do more research and add information from The New York Times.

  13. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Tarin Sultana
    DATE: 03/03/2021
    SUBJECT: Expanded Definition Research

    For my Expanded Definition Research Project, I use the city tech libraryā€™s website to find sources; the link is (https://library.citytech.cuny.edu). By scrolling down, I went to research guides and clicked on computer system technology and computer Engineering system technology. There is a tab called an encyclopedia, and at the bottom, I find oxford English dictionary and oxford reference. Some sources are not available in an eBook format in the encyclopedia because those could be in the library as a physical copy. One more method to find an article or eBook is the New York Times. First, I Open up my safari web browser and type nytimes.com/passes. It brings me to the New York times page, and I had to create an account using the city tech email address and make a password. But unfortunately, I did not find any valuable resources on this website. So, I am focusing on the city tech library resource and looking for some interesting articles and magazines relevant to my definition research topic.

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