After Class Writing: Salikoko Mufwene’s “Language as Technology”

After today’s class, write at least 250 words summarizing your reading of Salikoko Mufwene‘s “Language as Technology: Some Questions that Evolutionary Linguistics Should Address” and our discussion of it during class. Copy-and-paste your writing into a comment made to this blog post before our next class.

As a part of your writing, include a sentence or two explaining what you think language is: a natural ability of the human animal or a technology made by human beings to improve communication? Remember to justify your response. For example, “I believe Victoria Fromkin is correct in saying that language is a natural ability, because <your justification>,” or “I am convinced by Salikoko Mufwene’s argument that language is a technology, because <your justification>.”

16 thoughts on “After Class Writing: Salikoko Mufwene’s “Language as Technology””

  1. Salikoko S. Mufwene “Language as Technology: Some Questions that Evolutionary Linguistics Should Address” talks about different ways of putting your languages into a story and helping people understand what they are to them. We learn that each language or sound might not make sense but once these people put language together, it becomes clearer to us. These languages are still evolving until this day and that it start to become more complicated because as we are making progress so are the language. He talks about the way people are dressing now is making a big change in society. For example, “Victoria Fromkin talks about how evolution is the reason why our language becomes stronger; because we start to understand why we are only able to hear certain things and which makes humans want to learn the different languages that are being provided to us.” I am not sure if I agree or disagree with him on how they can solve the communication problem between human being. I feel that technology became like a wall that makes us loose connection with the natural world and we forget that we should not just base everything on technology. Language does not need technology but just need human willing to learn and understand that there are different ways of looking at things. We might not see things the same way. However, does not mean we are wrong it just mean we look at language into a different perspective from each one of us.

  2. Evolutionary linguistics is a bunch of different languages constantly changing before our eyes. Whether it’s speaking orally, through sign, written, or even by wave of communication through our computer screens, there is a constant merging change in our societies. Salikoko Mufwene speaks about all of this merged into one in his explanation through his essay “Language as Technology”. In this essay he speaks about technology and the way that we apply our use to it overtime. He comes to discuss how “technology is a means to fulfill a purpose.” Mufwene also gets to discuss what we know as universal grammar and how we use these pieces of what our ancestors have left us through the evolution.

  3. “Language as Technology:Some questions that evolutionary linguistics should address” by Salikoko S. Mufwene is discussing how of the past two decades studies of the development of language have specifically focused on grammatical characteristics. Especially those that separate modern languages from animal communication. This brought the previous work “Early Voices: The leap to language” by Nicholas Wade’s; because of the connection of sound in both articles, where in this article it mentions about how we only learn things by putting them together; which will help us to understand it better and that is what makes us different than animals. Moreover, in the last section of this article
    it includes that “Because of other cultural artifacts and conventions that only humans produce and use today that other animals do not, I submit that what distinguishes humans from other animals is not so much language as the mind that made it all possible” Meaning that what makes human different than animals is actually the mind than the language; since animals also have their own language. In other words, human is the significant factor of language development and the reason for it to evolve. Due to the fact that the biological foundation of a language is considered as cultural artifacts— technologies development was mind-related as well; since minds are enabling the complex cultures we are producing. This also shows how language is technology too; because it is made by human.

  4. “Language as Technology” by Salikoko Mufwene gives us a different perspective on what we should consider language as. We all see language as a tool, certainly, but where should we categorize it? Mufwene says that Ian, or the act of forming adjective and nouns has evolved in language. Language itself has changed from the moment it started. Because language is useful and practical in every aspect in life, just as a phone or other piece of tech would, we can categorize language as a technology. In other words, language helps us get things done, which technology, or whatever we may consider technology does the same thing. Going back to a different article we read in class by Nicholas Wade, we can make the argument that because language is something that has evolved, we have molded language to our needs due to our current situation. The same can be said about technology, where we see quick development in weaponry at a time of war, cell phones and computers at a time where multitasking and fast communication thrive, and other examples. For humans, language is technology, as every culture in society uses a form of it, which for every culture has progressively become complex. We can transfer it through genetics, we can continue to evolve its properties, and due to that, our future version of language is more polished than what it is right now. In the end, it is viewing a different perspective on what language is seen as, but putting what we consider technology as right next to language, we can see many similarities in the way both have developed.

  5. In Salikoko Mufwenes’ essay, “Language as Technology” the discussion of how language has evolved over time has been a major development in our everyday occurrence and the complexity of this language which has created a social structure. This social structure involves the communication criteria where “gestures and vocalizations” are a constant change and development in all aspects of the world.

    Mufwene argues that language is a form of technology. He states, “Technology is a means to fulfill a purpose: a device, or method, or process.” The invention of language helps us do practical things to get around and do our daily task easier through the development of technology. Technology has a universality structure which has allowed the great engineers to create programming for computer hardware. Our brains have allowed us to create such a format that we have had the brain capacity to create such inventions. Through a creative mind in result to both language and technology there is an innovative process that gives the human mind the ability to adjust and adapt to these constant changing structures. Technology for us on the other hand, is always changing at an ongoing pace which in similar, puts the world of language in a bigger picture as well.

    Mufwene mentions a word called “hominine” which is a reference to human characteristic that has adapted the idea of how linguists viewed the advancement in language. Since language has transformed not only from a speech stand point, but they have also made language referred to as a “non- monolithic architecture” in the realm of communication. Language is not only a matter of physical speech and gestures, but we cannot forget that sign language is a form of language that has elements that involve a lot of cognitive development. Cultural change allows for the advancement in many of these areas because as the population continues to increase in our society, globalization adapts to this change in the process, as part of a constant push in evolution.

  6. Is language a technology ? “Language as Technology: Some questions that evolutionary linguistics should address” by Salikoko S. Mufwene was a very interesting read for me because he threw a curve ball at the game of linguistics. by relating the language in which we produced over time from different possible origins such natural selection and or sexual selection to something else that’s manufactured to have the same end result of emphasized help… technology. When we think of technology we automatically related the term to thing that are tangible and mostly digital like a phone or a computer. Yet as we furthered in the reading Mufwene defines exactly some definitions of the term technology and the span out to a umbrella that language could under. When defining the term in the story I recall the explanation and relation was “…technology is the application of science for practice and purpose..”. And to my understanding language is a science in which we have and combined to studied over time and have used for numerous of purpose over time whether to help one another communicate threw travel or articulate ourselves as the better man or woman for selection. Language has served us as a tool and a continuous developmental tool of technology.

  7. Salikoko Mufwene’s “Language as Technology: Some Questions that Evolutionary Linguistics Should Address” takes an interesting and insightful position into the evolution of language and the hypothesized metrics involved which include harmonization of existence, social tact and expression and basic communication through language. Mufwene takes important points into consideration when trying to explain language and its evolution from different perspectives taking into consideration ones interpretation on what language really is and what perspective or school of thought that interpretation is derived from. This brings up provocative insights on what language is and what is the neutral or global perspective to take when trying to answer this question. Personally I think the answer is constantly changing. It would be like asking what is sustainability? From an enumerative point of view sustainability is not one point, it is constantly changing due to an assortment of factors that affect the definition’s application in the real world. The same can be said for language and the evolution of it and its architecture. As we find new things and bring other factors and perspectives into the equation the source we name will change. Mufwene’s example of discussing a computer as a whole system was a perfect way to articulate his point about language and how we should look at when discussing it; holistically. When trying to tackle an advanced concept like language or any large scale system it is critical to take into the entire thing into consideration no matter how overwhelming or arbitrary the data can seem because for the most part I would say everything is connected therefore it should be taken into consideration.

  8. In “Language as Technology” by Salikoko Mufwene he talks about how language don’t have to be complex. It doesn’t have to be monolithic, planned, conscience invention or perfect. It needs to be able to evolve and able to get improve. Technology needs to be a mean to fulfill a purpose like a method or process and so on. Mufwene argued about the complexification of language and technology, and that it takes place overtime, basically the fact that language change overtime. Language is structural, because it doesn’t stay the same. The form or structure of language is not definite. The more people know the language and practice it the more it prone to change and become complicated as time evolve. Mufwene also talks about adaptation and exaptation which is the process by which features acquire functions for which they weren’t originally selected or adapted. Mufwene talks about the connection of technology and language in an evolving, developmental, historical and artistic point of view. There a connection between language and technology due to the fact technology is also not definite and it’s prone to change as time go by without really affecting it in a negative way but making it better. Just like technology evolve, change, have an history and is like a piece of art, language is and does the same thing. Language is a very important tool we need as people to communicate. Mufwene characterize Language as more than just a communicating tools but as a technology itself in a way.

  9. In “Language as Technology” by Salikoko Mufwene he talks about how language don’t have to be complex. It doesn’t have to be monolithic, planned, conscience invention or perfect. It needs to be able to evolve and able to get improve. Technology needs to be a mean to fulfill a purpose like a method or process and so on. Mufwene argued about the complexification of language and technology, and that it takes place overtime, basically the fact that language change overtime. Language is structural, because it doesn’t stay the same. The form or structure of language is not definite. The more people know the language and practice it the more it prone to change and become complicated as time evolve. Mufwene also talks about adaptation and exaptation which is the process by which features acquire functions for which they weren’t originally selected or adapted. Mufwene talks about the connection of technology and language in an evolving, developmental, historical and artistic point of view. There a connection between language and technology due to the fact technology is also not definite and it’s prone to change as time go by without really affecting it in a negative way but making it better. Just like technology evolve, change, have an history and is like a piece of art, language is and does the same thing. Language is a very important tool we need as people to communicate. Mufwene characterize Language as more than just a communicating tools but as a technology itself in a way.

  10. Summary of Salikoko Mufwene’s “Language as Technology”

    This article is presented with significantly higher sophistication than prior readings. I found it full of jargon that was beyond my understanding. Even so, I took several messages from it regarding language evolving from smaller less meaningful sounds, and grasped Mufwene’s example of how linguistic knowledge can be used to order thought to solve problems.
    Mufwene frames this content by structuring language like technology. As technology is ubiquitous, so is language. As technology changes and adapts, so does language. As technology solves problems, language is “a means to fulfill a purpose.” This relation gives us a handle on an ephemeral behavior we know as language.
    Looking at the evolution of language, Mufwene pointed at early sounds and hand movements that were an exaptation for communication. The early gestures and sounds that were successful at communicating ideas became lasting building blocks in language.
    Just as biology has a Darwinian evolutionary process, linguistics looks at the three key elements of cultural evolution: variation, selection, and inheritance. By examining how different languages use these building blocks to exchange meaningful messages, Mufwene attempts to open discourse about language as a technology. He uses several examples to further examine language as an extension of human capability.

  11. Salikoko S. Mufwene “Language as Technology: Some Questions that Evolutionary Linguistics Should Address”discusses the different ways of translating languages into stories to help people understand the different languages to better understand the stories. For instance a story from the bible would be translated into different languages so others who can read it in english can be able to read it in their language and understand it. Mufwene also discusses the importance of different languages and how they are continuously changing, whether its grammar, vocab, or the fact that the language we use is getting more complicated everyday due to advance in technology and modernization of our era/society. Nowadays people use emojis and symbols to express language or emotion, some which are easy to understand while others are hard to comprehend because it can mean more than one thing. Also words are being shortened or a replaced for a another word or phrase. For example instead of saying “it’s going to be fun”, some people say “it’s gonna be lit/turnt”. Lit does not mean there will be a fire, it’s just a phrase, which can be complicated to understand for people are a bit old fashioned. Language keeps developing, changing and being retweaked. Even with the use of technology language is constantly changing. Mufwene argues that language is a form of technology “Technology is a means to fulfill a purpose: a device, or method, or process.” But is technology making us how to properly use language? I think because of how we interact with each other through text or social media impacts our language because we either use improper language or lack emotion which can stir conflict or confusion. I find language best when actually being verbally spoken, but that’s just my opinion because I am very fond of facial expressions and tend to be expressive myself. However going back to the topic of technology and language, without language we would not be able to properly use technology because we would not be able to learn how to use it or even teach another person.

  12. After reading Salikoko Mufwene “Language as Technology”, he explains to us how language indeed does not have to be complex. How can we categorize language? Is language a technology? Many questions to be asked and answered. Well being that language evolves over time, language has been changed since it first began. It is a very useful “technology” that has truly affected the way we as human communicate. I’m sure you’re wondering why i’m saying language is a technology. We tend to think of technology as more physical devices such as a printer, phone , camera, but in this case we are saying that the language is technology. Yes technology itself is always changing. How many times a year do you get an update for your iPhone?How many times do you change your phone??? See technology is always advancing. Again technology changes the way humans are and in return we are the cause for the change through technology. We usually would not think of language as technology , I don’t even think we really had a category for language. But in this case language is all around you. It’s the way we communicate, it’s the way the world works. Without language , what are we as humans? Mufwene has many valid points in this article. This article also can related to many of the reading that we’ve had already.

  13. He reminds us why penmanship,writing and recording is important in our culture: it derived from the emergence of rupestrian paintings and the late Homo sapiens’ dispersal out of East Africa (Lieberman 2010). Mufwene continues with “everything” in this phase of the protracted evolution of language was being driven by a mind then endowed with a rich representational capacity and certainly capable of exapting extant means of communication to meet growing social pressures on group members to share their feelings, thoughts, and plans for the purposes of harmonizing their existence. What gives us the thoughts that we created in our minds, if not the images we see? These images can be of pictures, fonts or a creation of both on paper. Technology is a means to fullifill a purpose, writing does that for language

    He also talks about body language and sign language: this is how symbolic communication (Saussure 1916, Deacon 1997) emerged, consisting of arbitrary signified-signifier or meaning-form symbiotic pairs that can be combined in various ways to express diverse information about activities, emotions, thoughts, experiences, conditions of entities, etc., and to situate them in space and time. Mufwene says that everything around us is technology, if that is true then our thoughts, whether they are manifested or not have the pertainal to be technology

  14. Language has evolved due to how humans need a way to communicate with each other for maintaining human relations with others. Just like the first humans which used gestures and vocalization, language now takes the next step to exchange information that’s more complex. The evolution of language has been pushed forward by the human mind which is influenced by society. Humans are a group in large numbers and so we needed to come together to develop a language that we could share our ideas with one another and solve problems to be able to live among each other. According to Hockett, language has a trait ‘displacement’ which means that one does not have to be in the moment or at the scene when something happens to talk about the event. Language enables us to talk about the present, past and future or even real facts. With this communication, humans can communicate ideas to revolution the world but also make the world as creative as they can ‘think, feel, and experience’. Mufwene states that other than language influencing humans’ culture, but the language could be considered as a technology. Language is technology because it serves a purpose and that language can be changed to adapt to different users. Although Language has rules and lines that must be followed; they still can be used in many ways depending on who’s using it and how. Communication has been the backbone of cultural evolution; although different cultures use language that may be completely different the concept of language is that humans give meaning to the sounds that come out of our mouths or to the shape of our hands.

  15. The article “Language as Technology” by Salikoko Mufwene teaches you that language doesn’t have to be perfect, it can be anything basically. Language needs to be improved just like everything else. He says language does not stay the same it changes overtime. As people try and learn to perfect the language but it continuously changes often. The form and structure of language isn’t official. He explains to us that the invention of language helps with your daily life. Helps you deal with all of your daily tasks as well. Everyone looks at language from different perspectives. We’re never gonna see it the same way especially since we don’t all learn it the same. When he says communication problems between humans can be fixed. I don’t how i feel about that because that is something hard to fix. This a problem that has been around and not solved for a very long time. Technology is what is stopping us from being able to communicate with one another. So if they want to possibly fix the problem, we need stop technology from growing the way it is. But it is pretty difficult to do that because were continuously just inventing more and more technology nowadays. Mufwene had a lot of really good points in this article. His article relates to most of the articles we have read already.

  16. Salikoko S Mufwene,” Langauge of Technology,” he redefines language from a natural ability to a technology broadly defined. Language is a tool and system made by humanity to serve the purpose of communication. He argues that language is a means to fulfill a purpose, either knowledge; to explain something, practice; solving a problem, and science; for science and technology. Language is a technology and serves the purpose of communication. Language also helps us interact and create relationships.

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