Reading Check-In Quiz

We’ve worked through the first half of the reading list on the syllabus. Now, you have an opportunity to show me what you have learned and remember.

Write your name on the front of the blue book that I have given you and turn off your computer monitors and put away everything except a pen/pencil and your one-sheet study guide. Make sure your name is on your study guide and turn it in with your quiz.

In essay form, tell me about what you have read and learned from the readings so far this semester. Write in complete sentences and include author’s names and essay/story titles. Each reading deserves at least 1-2 sentences, but more is certainly permissible.

When you are done, bring your blue book and one-sheet study guide to me. When everyone is done or no more than 45 minutes has passed, we will begin the second half of class, during which time we will do research on your project.

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