Monthly Archives: September 2016

IMPORTANT Update for ENG1710, Wednesday, Sept 14, Meet at Namm 119

Dear all,

I have learned of a special talk by Dr. Edward Tunstel on robotics, autonomy, and collaboration that I would like us all to attend during class time on Wednesday, Sept 14. What we learn at the event will figure into our discussions later this semester, but since this is a one-time speaking event, we need to attend it now and fold it into our class when the time comes.

Let’s meet outside of Namm 119 (the special events room at the intersection of Namm and the Atrium on the first floor) at 6:30PM. If you are in the Namm building, you may wait outside Namm 119 until I get there. I will be at Vorhees 103B to meet students who did not read this email before class and bring them to Namm 119 when the event begins at 6:30PM. After the event ends at 7:30PM, meet me outside of Namm 119 to sign the attendance sheet and hand in your summary from the last class on the “What is Language” chapter.

For Monday, Sept 19, come prepared to discuss readings 3 and 4 on the syllabus. Your summary should cover what you learn in Dr. Tunstel’s talk, and you might connect his talk to the topic of language, how we communicate with machines such as computers and robots, and how we use robots as a tool for communication. If you are absent, consult with me regarding related topics.

Best, Professor Ellis

Useful Links on Language

The World’s Languages in 7 Maps and Charts,

Dispersal of Human Populations Map,

Guess the Language,

The Gods Must be Crazy (trailer),

“Click Language” and the San People of Africa, (go to 1:00)

Star Trek: The Next Generation, “Darmok,”