Project 1 Submission Guidelines

To submit your Project 1 files to Professor Ellis for grading, follow these directions before arriving to class next week.

You are assembling a portfolio of professional documents for Project 1. Use the assignment sheet and the following as a checklist for your portfolio’s documents:

  • Career Memo
  • Program of Study Memo
  • Job Ad Research Memo
  • Letter of Application
  • Skills-based Resume
  • Experience-based Resume

To submit your files, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Google Drive
  2. Click New > Folder
  3. Name your new folder “ENG1133 D202, Project 1, Job Application Portfolio”
  4. Look over the documents that you want to include in your portfolio and make sure that they are in their final form and named appropriately.
  5. Move the final versions of your Google Docs in Google Drive into this folder that you just created. To do this, click/hold and drag as you would with files on Windows or Macintosh.
  6. Right click on your “ENG1133 D202, Project 1, Job Application Portfolio” folder > Get Shareable Link > highlight and copy the link shown here
  7. Go to your student email
  8. Create a new message to jellis at
  9. Give your email the subject “ENG1133 D202, Project 1, Job Application Portfolio”
  10. Write a professional email to me and paste the link that you copied (e.g., Dear Professor Ellis, You may view my Project 1 Portfolio here: link. Sincerely, Your name
  11. I will reply to your email to confirm receipt.

3 thoughts on “Project 1 Submission Guidelines


    To : Esmeralda Vizueth
    From: Ernso Moise
    Date: 03/15/17
    Memo :Esmeralda Vineeth’s review of experience resume

    Those are my bullets point review of Esmeralda resume although she has a great job.

    There is no date for college experience
    There is no time reference for high school.
    There is no time reference for work experience
    I would rather use most of the experience as skills
    I would put the personal informations in the middle of the page.


    DATE: 03/15/17
    MEMO: Review of Sojung Jangā€s resume

    Those are some bullets points that i have offered to her although she did an amazing job at exposing her skills.

    Although you did a great job in the resume, but I would pay attention to form.
    For an experience resume, i would make sure to point out my strengths deeper.
    Should be more specific on the major.
    I would add high school information
    In the skills section, i would add some proficients in other areas besides languages..


    DATE: 03/15/17
    MEMO: Review of Edwin Arriza resume.

    This is my review about his skills resume, I have offered those bullets points suggestions although he did a great job.

    Although the presentation is great however i would arrange it in a different shape.
    I would rather having name and personal information at the same place.
    Although itā€™s a skill resume, i would still add high school information
    I notice that there are no references.
    Even as a skill resume, i would still the time to highlight work place in bald..

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