In-Class Writing: 150-Word Summary Memo

During today’s class, use Google Docs to write a 150-word summary of a different article than you wrote about last week. Include your memo’s header, 150-word content (no less than 140 words and no more than 150 words) including one quote with parenthetical citation, and a bibliographic reference at the bottom for the article. When you are done, copy and past your memo into a comment made to this blog post.



11 thoughts on “In-Class Writing: 150-Word Summary Memo

  1. Jason W. Ellis Post author

    Example memo:

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Your Name
    DATE: February 22, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing, 150-Word Summary Memo

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas a purus ut velit pharetra laoreet ut pharetra lectus. Aliquam porttitor, mauris sed iaculis aliquam, tellus leo elementum diam, sed dignissim arcu justo quis purus. Fusce sit amet felis vestibulum lorem euismod euismod vitae at diam. In ex nibh, scelerisque consequat tristique vitae, pellentesque sed risus. Duis mattis aliquam metus. Proin sed quam imperdiet, pellentesque mi in, commodo nibh. Donec ac pharetra ipsum. Sed gravida eros tortor, mattis placerat massa egestas sed. Etiam faucibus molestie risus id maximus. Nullam viverra hendrerit lorem, ut dictum lectus egestas a. Proin eget euismod ipsum, iaculis viverra risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut lorem neque, aliquet placerat lorem at, accumsan accumsan nisi. According to Andy Greenberg, “That data-stealing drone, shown in the video below, works as a Mr. Robot-style demonstration of a very real espionage technique” (Greenberg, 2017, p. 24).

    Greenberg, A. (2017, Feb. 22). Malware lets a drone steal data by watching a computer’s blinking led. Wired, 141, 24-30.

    Greenberg, A. (2017, Feb. 22). Malware lets a drone steal data by watching a computer’s blinking led. Wired, 12(2), 24-30.

    Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today’s schools. Time, 135, 28-31.

  2. Abdulla Attareb

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Abdulla Attareb
    DATE: February 22, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing, 150-Word Summary Memo

    In the Make magazine there is an article titled “A Circuit Board Factory On Your Desk” by Donald Bell. Technology is expected to make people’s lives easier. What is meant by easier is, smaller and faster. Bell speaks of a small tech company located in Brooklyn called BotFactory. BotFactory created an integrated desktop circuit fabricator. Basic tasks such as picking and placing components takes days but with this invention it can take 10-15 seconds. According to Bell “ Just like a 3D Printer, the small circuit printer allows you to prototype in minutes instead of weeks, all at the click of a button. You are guided through a seamless process that will take you from a bare substrate to a fully assembled and functional circuit board in a matter of minutes.” (Bell, 2015, p.24). The key selling points of the product is it saves time and money.

    Bell, D. (2015, October/November). A Circuit Board Factory On Your Desk .
    Make, 47, 24

  3. Edwin

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Edwin Alexis Arriaza
    DATE: February 22nd, 2017
    SUBJECT: New tech on an old car Summary

    A car is an expensive purchase, and newer car models build excitement on new technology. Newer technology improves the way you navigate your car, listen to music, connect to your phone and a lot more in hopes to provide a safer driving experience. A tight budget can stop you from buying a new car, which will force you to brainstorm creative ways to enjoy technology in older cars. When comparing an old car to a new car Ezra Dyer states “Twelve years between them, the mechanical parts are the same . . . . The electronics, though, are a different story” (Dyer, 2017, p. 56). Ezra informs us how to add a back up camera, head-up display and a lane-departure warning on older vehicles. The Pearl, is a back up camera solution that costs $500, and allows you to connect your phone to The Pearl’s cameras, which are built into the license plate frame.

    Dyer, E. (2017, March). How to stick new tech on an old car. Popular Mechanics, 194 (3), 56-57

  4. Destiny Ramos

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Destiny Ramos
    DATE: February 22, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing, 150 Word Summary

    In November of 2016, Game Informer Magazine featured an interview by Ben Reeves of an artist straight out of Brooklyn. This article really hits home for me because I was raised pretty much my whole life in Brooklyn and this artist’s love for art came through video games. The artist’s name is Marinko Milosevski and he’s a graphic designer for Rockstar Games, which produce some famous game names such as Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption. In this interview, Reeves asked Milosevski what made him want to be an artist. Milosevski stated, “I had books with Pokemon in them, so I would try to copy those over. Drawing was something I always did…” (Reeves, November 2016, p. 19). Even though Milosevski kept getting rejected by his choice art school, that didn’t stop him from drawing. The irony is that the same school, later kept calling him for his portfolio.

    Reeves, B. (2016, November). The Accidental Artist. Game Informer, pp. 19.

  5. ajahneikj

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Ajahneik Jackson
    DATE: February 22,2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing 150-word Summary Memo

    The Economist covers what is still emerging and transitioning to be one of world’s most popular fads at the moment, along with body augmentation. Reproductive options, Gene-editing, and how they have expanded over the years. In the article Sex and Science. The author speaks of civilians being able to eliminate genetic diseases such as sickle-cell and haemophilia from effecting their babies, because such diseases are transported through traits and cannot permanently be eliminated genetically. Gene editing is very beneficial for those trying to eliminate genetic disease from putting individuals families at risk. “ Diseases such as these are now able to be “fixed” before the embryo even begins to develop itself.” (Economist, 2017, p.7) Reproductive options such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilisation are also becoming more popular by the day. Due to factors such as the loss of both fallopian tubes in women, or in-fertilization in women.

    Sex and Science Gene editing,clones,and the ethics of making babies. (2017,Eb 18) Economist, Vol 7, P.7

  6. Lauren

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Lauren Brewster
    DATE: February 2, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing Assignment, 150-Word Summary Memo

    Brad Stone’s article “How Uber and Airbnb Fought City Halls, Won over the Citizenry, Outlasted Rivals, and Figured Out the Sharing Economy” in Bloomberg Businessweek summarizes how the founders of Uber and Airbnb similarly created billion dollar startups. Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick started their company Uber after attending President Obama’s inauguration in 2009, noticing that enormous crowds made it impossible to get around Washington, D.C. Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk, Airbnb founders, graduated from Y Combinator, a startup school in Silicon Valley in 2009 with the idea of having people share their apartments. Both companies have similarities in that they both “offered age-old ideas (share a vehicle, rent your home) with new twists.”(Stone, 2017, p. 47) Today both companies have attained enormous heights “a combined worth of $99 billion,”(Stone, 2017, p.47) but have also faced tremendous scrutiny and legal troubles from the government.

    Stone, B.(2017, January 30-February 5).How uber and airbnb fought city halls, won over the citizenry, outlasted rivals, and figured out the sharing economy.Bloomberg Businessweek, 45-53.

  7. Iliane Soriano

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Iliane Soriano
    DATE: February 22, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing, 150-Word Summary Memo

    According to Jeffrey Kluger and Justin Worland, “The discipline of science is one where the facts, once they are peer-reviewed and published in scientific journals, are fixed.” (Kluger & Worland, 2017, p. 17). Trump and his Administration have made it seem otherwise. President Donald Trump has already began making changes that could hurt the U.S. and the world. Science is based on proven facts while politics aren’t, President Trump is shedding doubt on many of those proven scientific facts. While in office President Trump has cut off The Environmental Protection Agency from issuing grants. President Trump has backed out on agreements that were put in place to address climate change and global warming. He has also exuded the doubt he has on the safety of vaccinations. President Trump is casting doubt on Science overall which could be detrimental to the health and well-being of the nation.

    Kluger, J., & Worland, J. (2017, Feb 13). How a war on science could hurt the U.S.-and its citizens. Time, 189(5), 17-19.

  8. SoJung Moon

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: SoJung Jang
    DATE: February 22, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing, 150-Word Summary Memo

    Unfortunately, we often stereotypically portray the elderly as much grumpier and lonely people in comparison to the younger generation. Worland explains,“if you look at the scientific data, it turns out that most older people are not actually crankier than younger people–it’s just that they don’t play by the same social rules.” (Worland, 2017, para 2). Have you ever wondered if your life would be shortened by living a grumpy, unhappy lifestyle? According to Worland, while interviewing Andrew Steptoe, states that “The longer people are in a positive state, the better it probably is as far as their health is concerned.” (Worland, 2017, para 5). Many studies show that people who lived a happy life in their 20’s tend to live longer than others who haven’t. With that being said, even in our busy lives, I hope that doesn’t give us an excuse to miss out on happiness.

    Worland, J. (2017, Feb 16). Do cranky people really die younger than pollyannas? Time, Retrieved from

  9. Esmeralda V.

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Esmeralda V.
    DATE: February 22, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing, 150-Word Summary Memo

    Today, we are partially dependable on technology. Soon in the future, we’ll be ruled by it. Almost every job will be taken by robots and nothing will be left for us, except video games. Or at least this is expected from Edward Castronova, an economics of video games student from Indiana University. Fifteen years ago, video games weren’t easily accessible for everyone, now almost anyone can get a console, a computer or a smartphone and start playing – even for free. What makes these games exquisite, is the in-app purchases. Whether it is a power-up, or a skin, players always want to unlock the best features of a game. Game companies will have to keep players happy in order to continue receiving profit from them “companies might issue reward cards, spendable in the real world… the companies might find they need to pay to keep the proles alive and in the game” (Clive, 2017, web).

    Clive, T. (2017, Feb. 22). Face it, meatsack: pro gamer will be the only job left. Wired, 25(03). Retrieved from

  10. Danny Hsu (Chia Hao)

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Chia Hao Hsu
    DATE: February 22, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing Assignment, 150-Word Summary Memo

    The article “Testing the limits of spacecraft” from the magazine How It Works Book of Amazing Technology gives us insights into the rigorous process and requirements that the European Space Agency (ESA) implements and what it takes to make a spacecraft ready for space travel. According to the article “Spacecraft are exposed to extreme speeds, extreme temperatures, and extreme vibration. They will enter vacuum, undergo weightlessness, and be pummelled with radiation…” (How It Works Book of Amazing Technology, 2017, p. 130) provide a broad idea of the elements which ESA needs to understand and work with in order to make space travel successful, and what better place to do that then the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC). ESTEC the central hub of the operation with state of the art technology and facility will be the place where different components of the spacecraft are tested and analyzed.

    Testing the limits of spacecraft. (2016). How It Works Book of Amazing Technology, 130-131.


    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Ernso Moise
    DATE: 02/22/2017
    SUBJECT: In Class Summary 150 words.

    President Trump made good of his campaign by signing an executive order preventing people from muslim countries from coming into United States, as expected it did not long before people in the country and abroad have denounced it and organized mass protest.although the White House denied that the order was not a muslim as seen by many but they argue that the order was enacted to protect the american people. Many offered their views as this remark in the Time: “The constitution bars religious discrimination, but lawyers will have a hard to provide it (Calabresi, 2017, p. 8). It seems that the acting Attorney General felt the same on directing to his staff to defend the new dispositions believing that they are not in line with the constitution of the country who will be promptly fired by Trump for her act of rebellion.

    Calabresi M, (2017, February 13TH ) Trump Immigration order is legal for now.. Time (p, 7-8),

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