In-Class Writing, Business Letter Recommending an Article

During today’s class, write a letter addressed to Professor Ellis (using his school address found on the City Tech English Department website–Google it). The letter should follow this format:

Your address (okay to make it up)
Today’s Date

Dr. Jason Ellis
His Address

Dear Dr. Ellis,

One sentence greeting (e.g., How are you doing today?)

Paragraph of 6-10 sentences that makes the argument that I should read the article that you read for today’s class. Open with your thesis and include reasons supporting your thesis. Weave summary into these reasons. Include the author’s name, article title, magazine title, and issue or date information. Remember to italicize the magazine title and put the article title in quotes.

One offer sentence in closing (e.g., If you would like to discuss the article, please let me know.)


4 lines

Your Name

Copy-and-paste your letter into a comment made to this blog post.

10 thoughts on “In-Class Writing, Business Letter Recommending an Article

  1. ajahneikj

    130 Lefferts Place , #4B
    Brooklyn, NY, 11238
    March 22,2017

    Dr Jason Ellis
    Department of English
    New York City College of Technology
    300 Jay Street
    Namm Hall 512 (N-512)
    Brooklyn, NY, 11201

    Dear Dr Ellis,

    Good evening I am hoping all is well with you today. I recently read a forthcoming article on “How to Pitch Yourself to Bookstores.” and i believe you should read it. In this article is an outline of the steps one must take in order to pitch and sell their very own novel in bookstores. Due to the excessive vessels one can use to publish such as through a publicist, self-publishing, or publishing handled by smaller presses. It can be difficult to market and sell yourself in a bookstore pitch, because independent or new authors aren’t always bookstores first priority in the business. A authors first opening event will fall solely on their shoulders, the marketing, and invite list, as well as the creative vision of the event will all be a liability to the author. And this article outlines the guide and all things one will need in order to accomplish their writing dream.
    If you are interested in further discussing this article i would love to hear your thoughts on the topic and why you think this article is so significant for up and coming authors.

    Ajahneik Jackson

  2. Abdulla Attareb

    1864 3rd Ave Apt#3F
    New York, NY 10029
    March 22,2017

    Dr. Jason Ellis
    Department of English
    New York City College of Technology
    300 Jay Street
    Namm Hall 512 (N-512)
    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    Dear Dr. Ellis,

    I hope you are doing well.

    I read an informative article about the possibility of becoming a NASA space explorer that I think you’d be interesting in. Matthew F. Reyes wrote an article called “Be A NASA Space Explorer” in the November 2015 issue of the Make Magazine. Everyone, once in their life, wanted to be an astronaut. Just the thought of being able to explore the unknown causes excitement. The second best thing after going to space is having your creation sent to space and leaving your mark in history. NASA’s Centennial Challenges program offers multiple yearly competitions that allows people to have their inventions sent to space and also win hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money. The best part is anyone can join and you don’t have to be a genius engineer to create something. You can learn how to design and 3D print things in less than a week. After that you can join the 3D printed habitat challenge. Who knows, maybe you can be the next contest winner and have your invention in space while counting your hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    If you would like to discuss this article with me, please let me know.


    Abdulla Attareb

  3. Destiny Ramos

    123 Sesame Street
    New York, NY 12345
    March 22, 2017

    Dr. Jason Ellis
    Department of English
    New York City College of Technology
    300 Jay Street
    Namm Hall 512 (N-512)
    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    Dear Dr. Ellis,

    Good afternoon Dr. Ellis. I hope that your day has been well and that you are “enjoying” this “lovely” weather we are getting. I came across something written in the Writer’s Digest two days ago that mentioned something about writing science fiction and fantasy novels. I figured this would be something you would enjoy because as you had mentioned earlier in the semester, you enjoy Star Trek and other things of the Sci-Fi realm. The article was written by Kameron Hurley who is the author of Stars Are Legion and her article is titled “Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing: How to Build Fantastic Worlds”. What I enjoyed about the article – and if you get the chance to read this I hope you enjoy it as well – is that she gives information on how to create your own world by referencing her own work and gives pointers on what you should do in the first fifty pages of your novel. One of the key points on this was that you should get your readers adapted to the new world that you have created. Information about cultures, society, and overall description of the world should be included. She also says not to dump all the nitty gritty details onto the readers because it will overwhelm them and they won’t continue reading. Another thing that she does is add an excerpt from her novel as an example and it sounds just as interesting as the article! Hurley also brings up a lot of thinking components such as thinking about the society you are creating, what the people look like, what languages do they speak, etc. in order to write a science fiction or fantasy novel. I personally enjoyed this article because much like you I enjoy Sci-Fi and fantasy but I also like to write and create my own worlds and use a lot of inspiration from things like Star Wars, The Chronicles of Narnia, and Harry Potter. I hope that with your love of different worlds like these you will enjoy this article as well.


    Destiny Ramos

  4. Lauren

    2508 Beverly Road
    Brooklyn, NY 11226
    March 22, 2017

    Dr. Jason Ellis
    Department of English
    New York City College of Technology
    300 Jay Street
    Nam Hall 512 (N-512)
    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    Dear Dr. Ellis,

    I hope you are doing well.

    I recently came across this article about Google Fiber, and I thought you would be interested in reading it. When applying to technical jobs nationally, although many cities are expanding into this field, it is important to consider your location. In Bloomberg’s Businessweek’s March 13-March 19th edition, an article entitled “Toto, I’ve a Feeling We’re Still In Kansas(or Missouri)” by Sarah McBride and Mark Berken discusses how Google Fiber brought high-speed internet to Kansas City in hopes to attract startups. This move however has not attracted business, and “Kansas City’s startup scene has been slow to gain traction”(Bloomberg’s Businessweek, pg. 33) Although Kansas City beat out more than 1,000 other cities for Google Fiber, it has been hard for them to attract entrepreneurs. When considering locations to work in the technology field, although companies like Google are trying to reach the heartland areas of America, New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, are still the main hubs to consider.

    If you would like to discuss this article with me please let me know.


    Lauren M. Brewster

  5. Edwin

    132-35 Sanford Ave
    Flushing, NY 11355
    March 22, 2017

    Dr. Jason Ellis
    Department of English
    New York City College of Technology
    300 Jay Street
    Namm Hall 512 (N-512)
    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    Dear Dr. Ellis,

    I hope all is well. I am writing to inform you that I read an article, “The top system trends for 2017” by John Edwards on System Essentials March 2017 issue that examines five new trends in technology that are shaping organizations infrastructure. This is an intriguing article that I thought you would enjoy because the risks and benefits of these trends are discussed. Mobile devices are on the rise and there are many ways that it affects any organization. Developers can focus on creating apps that create a similar workflow, when on the move and network administrators might focus on enhancing security for devices running these internal applications. Collecting data on mobile devices is helpful for researching trends that can improve productivity of your workflow. Another trend is to create mobile workspaces by providing various ways for users to access their files as if it were their own workstation. Organizations concentrate on increasing collaboration by creating workstations in open areas, and adding furniture that’ll allow you to charge your device. The risk of adapting to a mobile workflow is security but mobile management techniques are aware of this and becoming powerful as time goes on.

    I would love to discuss your opinion on switching to a mobile environment after our meeting on Wednesday.

    Edwin Arriaza

  6. Iliane Soriano

    13350 122nd PL 1st floor
    South Ozone Park, NY 11420
    March 22, 2017

    Dr. Jason Ellis
    Department of English
    New York City College of Technology
    300 Jay Street
    Namm Hall 512 (N-512)
    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    Dear Dr. Ellis,

    Good Evening I hope that you are enjoying the ENG1133 class you’re teaching and that you are doing well. I read an informative article about how to make life easier that I believe you should read and consider for use in ENG1133. In Time magazine’s February 27- March 6, 2017 issue the article “How to create more from what you already have” by Scott Sonenshein could be useful to the students you teach in helping them succeed. According to Sonenshein, “We emphasize the wrong things, like accumulating resources instead of taking productive steps to accomplish our goals.” (Sonenshein, 2017, p.28). The article speaks about people being more creative when they have less to work with. Sonenshein uses stretching as an analogy for stretching out what you already have and using that to create something better. For example if you move up a deadline or cut a budget it might inspire you to come up with better ideas. Breaks inspire creativity, instead of rushing to finish a project taking your time with it will benefit you. Another great suggestion is to stop following your daily routine, try something new out. As well as, building connections on Facebook of people who support you, not just worrying about the number of friends you have. Sonenshein says” Imagine how liberating it would be to stop worrying about what you don’t have and start engaging with what you already have in more productive and satisfying ways.” (Sonenshein, 2017, p.28). I would be happy to discuss this article with you if you’d like, please let me know.


    Iliane Soriano

  7. SoJung Moon

    300 Jay Street
    Brooklyn, NY 11201
    March 22, 2017

    Dr. Jason Ellis
    Department of English
    New York City College of Technology
    300 Jay Street
    Namm Hall 512 (N-512)
    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    Dear Dr. Ellis,

    Good evening Professor, I hope you are having a fabulous day so far.

    I read a very informative article that I believe may be helpful to you and my classmates in writing. “15 Ways to Earn Your Audience as a Writer” by Chuck Wendig from the Writer’s Digest guest column is filled with useful tips that will help strengthen your writing and guide you to becoming a unique, captivating writer that can lure in the audience. Wendig’s tips are straight forward and to the point, and some of his points include what we learned in class such as “embracing feedback”. More useful tips from Wendig include having your own unique style in writing, being creative, taking your time, asking for help when you’re stuck and just being yourself. He also suggests interacting with people that read your work to connect with them and
    overall to have fun while you’re writing because the audience will be able to tell when you’re not. I strongly believe that Wendig’s tips will come in very handy for my classmates in ENG 1133 and perhaps you might even consider discussing them during class.

    I would love to hear your feedback on this article and am available for discussion regarding it if you’d like.


    SoJung Jang


    8 W 118TH ST APT 8H
    NEW YORK NY 10026

    Dr Jason Ellis
    Department of English
    New York City College of Technology
    300 Jay St
    Namnm Hall 512 ( N-512)
    Brooklyn NY 11201

    Dear Dr Ellis

    Good afternoon Professor, I hope that your evening is going well.

    In the meantime I want to invite to read this short that I wrote about this article that I read in the Time magazine, a very interesting about Health care in America. The title is “ How the health care debate reveals the GOP’s divisions”. The author is Sam Frizell and it was released for
    March 2017. It’s so important that I had to ask myself that question

    Should health care a topic of political rivalries or a subject toward people’s needs?

    Since the last electoral campaign started, we could hear only one subject in the mouths of all republicans candidate “ Repeal and replace obamacare” which the real name is “ affordable care act “ however the elections are over and one of the republican won, and as promised during his first one hundred days, president Trump who said he had a beautiful plan has asked for congress to come up with one. This plan is AHCA which stands for American Health Care Act, and they said this plan will give people better choice with cut efficiency.

    Right now this country is more divided than any time ever after World War II, so the question is how this Bill will pass the senate floor when we know that the filibuster proof is sixty senators. While we are thinking about the senate, the republicans are not even sure that the bill will pass the house because many conservatives already complained that it did not go far enough, especially in term of budget cut.

    Yet none of them is asking themselves how people feel about this debate, is that in the interest of the people or is that something for some politicians to satisfy their real bosses who are the big donors.
    Now let me explain to you some facts about why fixing Obamacare Care has some good to it, it seems that the mandate was a violation of someone’s right to decide on what he or she wants to purchase.
    In the other hand, here is a simple reason why the bill was good and should stand, many people could not be qualified for health care, existing condition for instance was leaving a lot people in the cold for medical insurance. The ACA Act had solved this problem, now anything can happen.

    Now that you know all of that, i will invite to have a discussion with me anytime about this passionate subject.



  9. Esmeralda V.

    12-34 56th St
    Brooklyn, NY 11231
    March, 22, 2017

    Dr. Jason Ellis
    Department of English
    New York City College of Technology
    300 Jay Street
    Namm Hall 512 (N-512)
    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    Dear Dr. Ellis,

    Hope everything is well,

    I recently read an interesting article about cyber security and I believe you should read this article if you use an Android device. Some topics are of interest – if you consider your privacy important. The article Good News: Android’s Huge Security Problem Is Getting Less Huge was written by Andy Greenberg for Wired magazine in the March 2017 issue. In 2015, many people were unaware of the security patches Android is offering. These patches are created to decrease the vulnerability Android devices have when it comes to personal security. However, this does not mean that Android phones are completely secure and unhackable. The article also mentions Google’s attempts to increase awareness in personal data and the struggles these companies are having in order to provide their customers with better services.

    If you would like to discuss this article with me, please let me know


    Esmeralda Vizueth

  10. Danny Hsu (Chia Hao)

    190 Hester St., Apt 15
    New York, NY 10013
    March 22, 2017

    Dr. Jason Ellis
    Department of English
    New York City College of Technology
    300 Jay Street
    Namm Hall 512 (N-512)
    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    Dear Dr. Ellis,

    I hope that all is well with you and your family.
    I recently came across a magazine article about recreational fishing which that I thought might interest you if you ever decided to pick up fishing as a hobby of sort. The article “Fishing from the sky” written by David Walters in the March 2017 issue, vol#194 of Popular Magazine have some interesting points on where the future of fishing is headed towards. Did you know that the future of fishing relies on technology that has been around since before the use of electricity? The terms kite and fishing might not seem like it goes well together but fishermans have found ways of utilizing kites to cast baited lines into the open water. Kite-fishing is quite special among the angler community because there are a number of advantages that incorporating a kite can bring to the sport of fishing. First noticeable point is the ability to cast lines not bound by the limitations of human capability, you can cast the line out as far as the kite would go. The second important point is ability for the live bait attached to the lines of the rod to swim freely below the surface of the water which creates movements of a natural schooling habits because the line is connected above the water to the kite instead of directly to the rod which creates a forced direction for the bait to swim in.

    If you are interested, I look forward to discussing about this article with you further, please let me know.


    Chia Hao Hsu

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