Professional Goals

As a Human Service professional working with diverse populations stemming from age, race, culture, and beliefs. Value of lifelong learning with each client in a sense their story is our story as we work toward a common goal. We are always a student in life and thus makes us lifelong learners. With each individual we must learn to adapt and work on their level. As a Human Service Worker I would like to primarily want to focus on The LGBTQ population. The code of ethics Human service professionals seek appropriate consultation and supervision to assist in decision-making when there are legal, ethical or other dilemmas. Value of lifelong learning comes in when we as Human Service professionals have to adapt to our clients situations by becoming empathetic and stories in order to provide the service. Generally we all want clients to receive the services we believe that they deserve and should be enrolled in. However, often there are time when a client may not be eligible for a particular service but you believe that they should be enrolled into the service. When we are placed in a predicament which legally it would be wrong to falsify but ethically you feel it is best for the client. You will always be a lifelong learning one needs that superior who can in terms help mediate and support you through the decision making when you are not at ease.  This relates to me because I find myself in certain dilemmas personally and ethically I’m always for front when it comes to seeking consultation, so that I may become the best worker and person I can be. Stony Brook’s MSW program will help me improve and gain the skills I need they focus on the human and social behavior. In my current work position I have had the ability to speak with individuals who have attended a variety of schools. Most have obtained their degree from Stony Brook and are working with the same population I wish to work with. And having a personal insight and view about the curriculum has geared me to wanting to attend this school.